
hnn_core.pick_connection(net, src_gids=None, target_gids=None, loc=None, receptor=None)[source]#

Returns indices of connections that match search parameters.

netInstance of Network object

The Network object

src_gidsstr | int | range | list of int | None

Identifier for source cells. Passing str arguments (‘L2_pyramidal’, ‘L2_basket’, ‘L5_pyramidal’, ‘L5_basket’) is equivalent to passing a list of gids for the relevant cell type. source - target connections are made in an all-to-all pattern.

target_gidsstr | int | range | list of int | None

Identifier for targets of source cells. Passing str arguments (‘L2_pyramidal’, ‘L2_basket’, ‘L5_pyramidal’, ‘L5_basket’) is equivalent to passing a list of gids for the relevant cell type. source - target connections are made in an all-to-all pattern.

locstr | list of str | None

Location of synapse on target cell. Must be ‘proximal’, ‘distal’, or ‘soma’. Note that inhibitory synapses (receptor=’gabaa’ or ‘gabab’) of L2 pyramidal neurons are only valid loc=’soma’.

receptorstr | list of str | None

Synaptic receptor of connection. Must be one of: ‘ampa’, ‘nmda’, ‘gabaa’, or ‘gabab’.

conn_indiceslist of int

List of indices corresponding to items in net.connectivity. Connection indices are included if any of the provided parameter values are present in a connection.


Passing a list of values to a single parameter corresponds to a logical OR operation across indices. For example, loc=[‘distal’, ‘proximal’] returns all connections that target distal or proximal dendrites.

Passing multiple parameters corresponds to a logical AND operation. For example, net.pick_connection(loc=’distal’, receptor=’ampa’) returns only the indices of connections that target the distal dendrites and have ampa receptors.

Examples using hnn_core.pick_connection#

03. Modifying local connectivity

03. Modifying local connectivity