
hnn_core.viz.plot_psd(dpl, *, fmin=0, fmax=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, layer='agg', color=None, label=None, ax=None, show=True)[source]#

Plot power spectral density (PSD) of dipole time course

Applies periodogram from SciPy with window='hamming'. Note that no spectral averaging is applied across time, as most hnn_core simulations are short-duration. However, passing a list of Dipole instances will plot their average (Hamming-windowed) power, which resembles the Welch-method applied over time.

dplinstance of Dipole | list of Dipole instances

The Dipole object.


Minimum frequency to plot (in Hz). Default: 0 Hz


Maximum frequency to plot (in Hz). Default: None (plot up to Nyquist)

tminfloat or None

Start time of data to include (in ms). If None, use entire simulation.

tmaxfloat or None

End time of data to include (in ms). If None, use entire simulation.

layerstr, default ‘agg’

The layer to plot. Can be one of ‘agg’, ‘L2’, and ‘L5’

colorstr or tuple or None

The line color of PSD

labelstr or None

Line label for PSD

axinstance of matplotlib figure | None

The matplotlib axis.


If True, show the figure

figinstance of matplotlib Figure

The matplotlib figure handle.

Examples using hnn_core.viz.plot_psd#

02. Simulate Alpha and Beta Rhythms

02. Simulate Alpha and Beta Rhythms

03. Simulate Gamma Rhythms

03. Simulate Gamma Rhythms

08. Optimize simulated rhythmic responses

08. Optimize simulated rhythmic responses