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05. Optimize simulated evoked response parameters¶
This example demonstrates how to optimize the parameters of the model simulation to match an experimental dipole waveform.
# Authors: Blake Caldwell <>
# Mainak Jas <>
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Let us import hnn_core
import hnn_core
from hnn_core import (MPIBackend, jones_2009_model, read_params,
simulate_dipole, read_dipole)
hnn_core_root = op.join(op.dirname(hnn_core.__file__))
# The number of cores may need modifying depending on your current machine.
n_procs = 10
First, we will load experimental data into Dipole object.
This is a different experiment than the one to which the base parameters were tuned. So, the initial RMSE will be large, giving the optimization procedure a lot to work with.
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
data_url = (''
urlretrieve(data_url, 'S1_SupraT.txt')
exp_dpl = read_dipole('S1_SupraT.txt')
Read the base parameters from a file
params_fname = op.join(hnn_core_root, 'param', 'default.json')
params = read_params(params_fname)
Let’s first simulate the dipole with some initial parameters. The parameter definitions also contain the drives. Even though we could add drives explicitly through our API (see 01. Simulate Event Related Potentials (ERPs)), for conciseness, we add them automatically from the parameter files
scale_factor = 3000.
smooth_window_len = 30.
tstop = exp_dpl.times[-1]
net = jones_2009_model(params=params, add_drives_from_params=True)
with MPIBackend(n_procs=n_procs):
print("Running simulation with initial parameters")
initial_dpl = simulate_dipole(net, tstop=tstop, n_trials=1)[0]
initial_dpl = initial_dpl.scale(scale_factor).smooth(smooth_window_len)
MPI will run over 10 processes
Running simulation with initial parameters
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
Simulation time: 170.0 ms...
Now we start the optimization!
from hnn_core.optimization import optimize_evoked
with MPIBackend(n_procs=n_procs):
params_optim = optimize_evoked(params, exp_dpl, initial_dpl,
MPI will run over 10 processes
Initial RMSE: 31.05
Starting optimization step 1/4
Optimizing from [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 1
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 32.66 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 2
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 32.74 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 3
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 32.20 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 4
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 33.02 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 5
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 38.32 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 6
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 44.63 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 7
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 41.38 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 8
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 32.52 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 9
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 32.20 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 10
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 32.24 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 11
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 29.47 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 12
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 29.45 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 13
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 29.29 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 14
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 29.16 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 15
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 29.02 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 16
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 28.93 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 17
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.81 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 18
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 32.19 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 19
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.65 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 20
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.77 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 21
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.69 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 22
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.83 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 23
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.90 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 24
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.20 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 25
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.09 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 26
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.15 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 27
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.34 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 28
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.23 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 29
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.21 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 30
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.58 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 31
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.28 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 32
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.04 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 33
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.94 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 34
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.97 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 35
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.87 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 36
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.78 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 37
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.71 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 38
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.67 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 39
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.63 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 40
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.64 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 41
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.60 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 42
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.54 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 43
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.54 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 44
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.46 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 45
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.42 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 46
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.05 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 47
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.03 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 48
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.97 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 49
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 28.91 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Optimization step 1, iteration 50
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 28.55 over range [13.475-114.625] ms
Starting optimization step 2/4
Optimizing from [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 1
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 32.03 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 2
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 32.67 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 3
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 32.08 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 4
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 32.15 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 5
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 29.88 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 6
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.03 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 7
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 36.19 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 8
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 27.96 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 9
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 34.53 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 10
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.14 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 11
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.57 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 12
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.11 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 13
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.58 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 14
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.50 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 15
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.57 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 16
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.58 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 17
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.51 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 18
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.60 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 19
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.63 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 20
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.62 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 21
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.53 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 22
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.59 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 23
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.70 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 24
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.71 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 25
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.72 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 26
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.86 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 27
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.89 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 28
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.86 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 29
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.76 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 30
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.77 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 31
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.18 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 32
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.22 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 33
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.21 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 34
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.99 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 35
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.04 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 36
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.19 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 37
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.10 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 38
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.12 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 39
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.92 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 40
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.97 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 41
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.72 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 42
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.65 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 43
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.67 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 44
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.53 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 45
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.53 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 46
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.84 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 47
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.85 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 48
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.10 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 49
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.13 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Optimization step 2, iteration 50
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 29.11 over range [43.025-170.000] ms
Starting optimization step 3/4
Optimizing from [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 1
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 30.75 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 2
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 30.52 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 3
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.56 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 4
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 30.49 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 5
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 30.42 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 6
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 30.13 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 7
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 29.08 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 8
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 27.84 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 9
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 30.61 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 10
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 32.03 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 11
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 31.09 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 12
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 27.46 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 13
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 27.25 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 14
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 27.11 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 15
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.76 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 16
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 27.28 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 17
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.76 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 18
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 27.15 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 19
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.76 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 20
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 26.98 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 21
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.88 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 22
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 26.81 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 23
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 26.67 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 24
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.80 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 25
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 26.29 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 26
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.70 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 27
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.58 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 28
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 28.12 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 29
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 25.14 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 30
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 25.05 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 31
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 24.90 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 32
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 25.07 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 33
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 24.56 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 34
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 24.53 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 35
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 24.39 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 36
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 24.28 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 37
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 24.15 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 38
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 24.01 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 39
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 23.87 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 40
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 23.74 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 41
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 23.61 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 42
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 23.34 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 43
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 23.24 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 44
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 22.49 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 45
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 22.56 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 46
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 22.89 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 47
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 24.26 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 48
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 24.37 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 49
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 23.03 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Optimization step 3, iteration 50
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 22.45 over range [92.775-170.000] ms
Starting optimization step 4/4
Optimizing from [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 1
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 23.58 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 2
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 24.41 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 3
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 24.89 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 4
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 22.31 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 5
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 24.73 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 6
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 24.02 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 7
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 26.06 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 8
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 22.99 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 9
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 23.07 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 10
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 22.88 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 11
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 22.02 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 12
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 23.04 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 13
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 22.93 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 14
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 22.21 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 15
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 24.60 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 16
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 21.78 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 17
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 27.69 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 18
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 23.46 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 19
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 25.16 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 20
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.80 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 21
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.84 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 22
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.80 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 23
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 21.62 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 24
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 21.40 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 25
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.71 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 26
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 22.41 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 27
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 22.48 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 28
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 24.32 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 29
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 23.48 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 30
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 21.32 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 31
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 21.26 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 32
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 21.25 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 33
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 21.15 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 34
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 21.09 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 35
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.33 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 36
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.56 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 37
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.33 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 38
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 23.03 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 39
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.33 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 40
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.68 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 41
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.33 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 42
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.09 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 43
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.33 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 44
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 23.26 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 45
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.33 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 46
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.09 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 47
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 21.33 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 48
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 18.88 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 49
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
[best] weighted RMSE: 18.59 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Optimization step 4, iteration 50
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
weighted RMSE: 18.63 over range [0.000-170.000] ms
Final RMSE: 18.59
Now, let’s simulate the dipole with the optimized parameters.
net = jones_2009_model(params=params_optim, add_drives_from_params=True)
with MPIBackend(n_procs=n_procs):
best_dpl = simulate_dipole(net, tstop=tstop, n_trials=1)[0]
best_dpl = best_dpl.scale(scale_factor).smooth(smooth_window_len)
MPI will run over 10 processes
Running 1 trials...
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Building the NEURON model
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
Loading custom mechanism files from /home/ryan/hnn-core/hnn_core/mod/x86_64/.libs/
running trial 1 on 10 cores
Simulation time: 0.03 ms...
Simulation time: 10.0 ms...
Simulation time: 20.0 ms...
Simulation time: 30.0 ms...
Simulation time: 40.0 ms...
Simulation time: 50.0 ms...
Simulation time: 60.0 ms...
Simulation time: 70.0 ms...
Simulation time: 80.0 ms...
Simulation time: 90.0 ms...
Simulation time: 100.0 ms...
Simulation time: 110.0 ms...
Simulation time: 120.0 ms...
Simulation time: 130.0 ms...
Simulation time: 140.0 ms...
Simulation time: 150.0 ms...
Simulation time: 160.0 ms...
Simulation time: 170.0 ms...
Finally, we can plot the results against experimental data along with the input histograms: 1. Initial dipole 2. Optimized dipole fit
Upon visualizing the change in optimized versus initial dipole, you should consider exploring which parameters were changed to cause the improved dipole fit.
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(6, 6))
exp_dpl.plot(ax=axes[0], layer='agg', show=False)
initial_dpl.plot(ax=axes[0], layer='agg', show=False)
best_dpl.plot(ax=axes[0], layer='agg', show=False)
axes[0].legend(['experimental', 'initial', 'optimized'])

<Figure size 600x600 with 2 Axes>
Total running time of the script: ( 32 minutes 38.983 seconds)