- class hnn_core.L2Pyr(pos=None, override_params=None, gid=None)¶
Layer 2 pyramidal cell class.
- Parameters
- postuple
Coordinates of cell soma in xyz-space
- override_paramsdict or None (optional)
Parameters specific to L2 pyramidal neurons to override the default set
- gidint or None (optional)
Each cell in a network is uniquely identified by it’s “global ID”: GID. The GID is an integer from 0 to n_cells, or None if the cell is not yet attached to a network. Once the GID is set, it cannot be changed.
- Attributes
- namestr
The name of the cell
- list_dendlist of str
List of dendrites.
- dendsdict
The dendrites. The key is the name of the dendrite and the value is an instance of h.Section.
- synapsesdict
The synapses that the cell can use for connections.
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- create_dends(p_dend_props)¶
Create dendrites.
- create_soma()¶
Create soma and set geometry.
- create_tonic_bias(amplitude, t0, T, loc=0.5)¶
Create tonic bias at the soma.
- Parameters
- amplitudefloat
The amplitude of the input.
- t0float
The start time of tonic input (in ms).
- Tfloat
The end time of tonic input (in ms).
- locfloat (0 to 1)
The location of the input in the soma section.
- get_sections()¶
Get sections in a cell.
- insert_dipole(yscale)¶
Insert dipole into each section of this cell.
- Parameters
- yscaledict
Dictionary of length scales to calculate dipole without 3d shape.
- move_to_pos()¶
Move cell to position.
- parconnect_from_src(gid_presyn, nc_dict, postsyn)¶
- Parallel receptor-centric connect FROM presyn TO this cell,
based on GID.
- Parameters
- gid_presynint
The cell ID of the presynaptic neuron
- nc_dictdict
Dictionary with keys: pos_src, A_weight, A_delay, lamtha Defines the connection parameters
- postsyninstance of h.Exp2Syn
The postsynaptic cell object.
- Returns
- ncinstance of h.NetCon
A network connection object.
- record_soma(record_vsoma=False, record_isoma=False)¶
Record current and voltage at soma.
- Parameters
- record_vsomabool
Option to record somatic voltages from cells
- record_isomabool
Option to record somatic currents from cells
- secs()¶
The geometry of the default sections in the neuron.
- set_biophysics(p_all)¶
Adds biophysics to soma.
- set_geometry(p_dend)¶
Define shape of the neuron and connect sections.
- Parameters
- p_denddict | None
Nested dictionary. The outer dictionary has keys with names of dendrites and the inner dictionary specifies the geometry of these sections.
L: length of a section in microns
diam: diameter of a section in microns
cm: membrane capacitance in micro-Farads
Ra: axial resistivity in ohm-cm
- setup_source_netcon(threshold)¶
Created for _PC.cell and specifies SOURCES of spikes.
- Parameters
- thresholdfloat
The voltage threshold for action potential.
- shape_soma()¶
Define 3D shape of soma.
needed for gui representation of cell DO NOT need to call h.define_shape() explicitly!
- syn_create(secloc, e, tau1, tau2)¶
Create an h.Exp2Syn synapse.
- Parameters
- seclocinstance of nrn.Segment
The section location. E.g., soma(0.5).
- e: float
Reverse potential (in mV)
- tau1: float
Rise time (in ms)
- tau2: float
Decay time (in ms)
- Returns
- syninstance of h.Exp2Syn
A two state kinetic scheme synapse.