- class hnn_core.gui.HNNGUI(theme_color='#802989', total_height=800, total_width=1300, header_height=50, button_height=30, operation_box_height=60, drive_widget_width=200, left_sidebar_width=576, log_window_height=150, status_height=30, dpi=96, network_configuration=PosixPath('/home/circleci/miniconda/envs/testenv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/hnn_core/param/jones2009_base.json'))[source]#
HNN GUI class
- Parameters:
- theme_colorstr
The theme color of the whole dashboard.
- total_heightint
The height of the GUI (in pixel, same for all following parameters).
- total_widthint
The width of the GUI.
- header_heightint
The height of the header.
- button_heightint
The height of buttons.
- operation_box_heightint
The operation_box_height of operations box.
- drive_widget_widthint
The width of GUI drive box.
- left_sidebar_widthint
The width of left sidebad.
- log_window_heightint
The height of logging window.
- status_heightint
The height of status bar.
- dpiint
The screen dpi.
- Attributes:
- layoutdict
The styling configuration of GUI.
- paramsdict
The parameters to use for constructing the network.
- simulation_datadict
Simulation related objects, such as net and dpls.
- widget_tstopWidget
Simulation stop time widget.
- widget_dtWidget
Simulation step size widget.
- widget_ntrialsWidget
Widget that controls the number of trials in a single simulation.
- widget_backend_selectionWidget
Widget that selects the backend used in simulations.
- widget_viz_layout_selectionWidget
Widget that selects the layout of visualization window.
- widget_mpi_cmdWidget
Widget that specify the mpi command to use when the backend is MPIBackend.
- widget_n_jobsWidget
Widget that specify the cores in multi-trial simulations.
- widget_drive_type_selectionWidget
Widget that is used to select the drive to be added to the network.
- widget_location_selectionWidget.
Widget that specifies the location of network drives. Could be proximal or distal.
- add_drive_buttonWidget
Clickable widget that is used to add a drive to the network.
- run_buttonWidget
Clickable widget that triggers simulation.
- load_buttonWidget
Clickable widget that receives uploaded parameter files.
- delete_drive_buttonWidget
Clickable widget that clear all existing network drives.
- plot_outputs_dictlist
A list of visualization panel outputs.
- plot_dropdown_types_dictlist
A list of dropdown menus that control the plot types in plot_outputs_dict.
- drive_widgetslist
A list of network drive widgets added by add_drive_button.
- drive_boxeslist
A list of network drive layouts.
- connectivity_textfieldslist
A list of boxes that control the weight and probability of connections in the network.
(drive_type, location[, ...])Add a widget for a new drive.
([width, height, extra_margin, render])Take a screenshot of the current GUI.
([return_layout])Compose widgets.
Returns the number of elements in the cell_parameters_dict dictionary.
Add drive and connectivity ipywidgets from params.
(params_fname)Read parameters from file.
Run all but the last cells sequentially in a Jupyter notebook.
- add_drive_widget(drive_type, location, prespecified_drive_name=None, prespecified_drive_data=None, prespecified_weights_ampa=None, prespecified_weights_nmda=None, prespecified_delays=None, prespecified_n_drive_cells=None, prespecified_cell_specific=None, render=True, expand_last_drive=True, event_seed=14)[source]#
Add a widget for a new drive.
- property analysis_config#
Provides everything viz window needs except for the data.
- capture(width=None, height=None, extra_margin=100, render=True)[source]#
Take a screenshot of the current GUI.
- Parameters:
- widthint | None
The width of iframe window use to show the snapshot.
- heightint | None
The height of iframe window use to show the snapshot.
- extra_margin: int
Extra margin in pixel for the GUI.
- renderbool
Will return an IFrame object if False
- Returns:
- snapshotAn iframe snapshot object that can be rendered in notebooks.
- compose(return_layout=True)[source]#
Compose widgets.
- Parameters:
- return_layoutbool
If the method returns the layout object which can be rendered by IPython.display.display() method.
- property data#
Provides easy access to simulation-related data.