"""Handling of parameters."""
# Authors: Mainak Jas <mjas@mgh.harvard.edu>
# Sam Neymotin <samnemo@gmail.com>
import json
import fnmatch
import os.path as op
from pathlib import Path
from copy import deepcopy
from .params_default import get_params_default
from .externals.mne import _validate_type
# return number of evoked inputs (proximal, distal)
# using dictionary d (or if d is a string, first load the dictionary from
# filename d)
def _count_evoked_inputs(d):
nprox = ndist = 0
for k, _ in d.items():
if k.startswith('t_'):
if k.count('evprox') > 0:
nprox += 1
elif k.count('evdist') > 0:
ndist += 1
return nprox, ndist
def _read_json(param_data):
"""Read param values from a .json file.
param_data : str
The data read in from the param file
params_input : dict
Dictionary of parameters
return json.loads(param_data)
def _read_legacy_params(param_data):
"""Read param values from a .param file (legacy).
param_data : str
The data read in from the param file
params_input : dict
Dictionary of parameters
params_input = dict()
for line in param_data.splitlines():
split_line = line.lstrip().split(':')
key, value = [field.strip() for field in split_line]
if '.' in value or 'e' in value:
params_input[key] = float(value)
params_input[key] = int(value)
except ValueError:
params_input[key] = str(value)
return params_input
[docs]def read_params(params_fname, file_contents=None):
"""Read param values from a file (.json or .param).
params_fname : str
Full path to the file (.param)
file_contents : str | None
If file_contents are provided as a string,
it is parsed into a dictionary.
params : an instance of Params
Params containing parameter values from file
split_fname = op.splitext(params_fname)
ext = split_fname[1]
if ext not in ['.json', '.param']:
raise ValueError('Unrecognized extension, expected one of' +
' .json, .param. Got %s' % ext)
if file_contents is None:
with open(params_fname, 'r') as fp:
file_contents = fp.read()
read_func = {'.json': _read_json, '.param': _read_legacy_params}
params_dict = read_func[ext](file_contents)
if len(params_dict) == 0:
raise ValueError("Failed to read parameters from file: %s" %
params = Params(params_dict)
return params
def _long_name(short_name):
long_name = dict(L2Basket='L2_basket', L5Basket='L5_basket',
L2Pyr='L2_pyramidal', L5Pyr='L5_pyramidal')
if short_name in long_name:
return long_name[short_name]
return short_name
def _short_name(short_name):
long_name = dict(L2_basket='L2Basket', L5_basket='L5Basket',
L2_pyramidal='L2Pyr', L5_pyramidal='L5Pyr')
if short_name in long_name:
return long_name[short_name]
return short_name
def _extract_bias_specs_from_hnn_params(params, cellname_list):
"""Create 'bias specification' dicts from saved parameters"""
bias_specs = {'tonic': {}} # currently only 'tonic' biases known
for cellname in cellname_list:
short_name = _short_name(cellname)
is_tonic_present = [f'Itonic_{p}_{short_name}_soma' in
params for p in ['A', 't0', 'T']]
if any(is_tonic_present):
if not all(is_tonic_present):
raise ValueError(
f'Tonic input must have the amplitude, '
f'start time and end time specified. One '
f'or more parameter may be missing for '
f'cell type {cellname}')
bias_specs['tonic'][cellname] = {
'amplitude': params[f'Itonic_A_{short_name}_soma'],
't0': params[f'Itonic_t0_{short_name}_soma'],
'tstop': params[f'Itonic_T_{short_name}_soma']
return bias_specs
def _extract_drive_specs_from_hnn_params(
params, cellname_list, legacy_mode=False):
"""Create 'drive specification' dicts from saved parameters"""
# convert legacy params-dict to legacy "feeds" dicts
p_common, p_unique = create_pext(params, params['tstop'])
# Using 'feed' for legacy compatibility, 'drives' for new API
drive_specs = dict()
for ic, par in enumerate(p_common):
if (not legacy_mode) and par['tstop'] < par['t0']:
feed_name = f'bursty{ic + 1}'
drive = dict()
drive['type'] = 'bursty'
drive['cell_specific'] = False
drive['dynamics'] = {'tstart': par['t0'],
'tstart_std': par['t0_stdev'],
'tstop': par['tstop'],
'burst_rate': par['f_input'],
'burst_std': par['stdev'],
'numspikes': par['events_per_cycle'],
'n_drive_cells': par['n_drive_cells'],
'spike_isi': 10} # not exposed in params-files
drive['location'] = par['loc']
drive['space_constant'] = par['lamtha']
drive['event_seed'] = par['prng_seedcore']
drive['weights_ampa'] = dict()
drive['weights_nmda'] = dict()
drive['synaptic_delays'] = dict()
for cellname in cellname_list:
cname_ampa = _short_name(cellname) + '_ampa'
cname_nmda = _short_name(cellname) + '_nmda'
if cname_ampa in par:
ampa_weight = par[cname_ampa][0]
ampa_delay = par[cname_ampa][1]
drive['weights_ampa'][cellname] = ampa_weight
# NB synaptic delay same for NMDA, read only for AMPA
drive['synaptic_delays'][cellname] = ampa_delay
if cname_nmda in par:
nmda_weight = par[cname_nmda][0]
drive['weights_nmda'][cellname] = nmda_weight
drive_specs[feed_name] = drive
for feed_name, par in p_unique.items():
drive = dict()
drive['cell_specific'] = True
drive['weights_ampa'] = dict()
drive['weights_nmda'] = dict()
drive['synaptic_delays'] = dict()
if (feed_name.startswith('evprox') or
drive['type'] = 'evoked'
if feed_name.startswith('evprox'):
drive['location'] = 'proximal'
drive['location'] = 'distal'
cell_keys_present = [key for key in par if
key in cellname_list]
sigma = par[cell_keys_present[0]][3] # IID for all cells!
n_drive_cells = 'n_cells'
if par['sync_evinput']:
n_drive_cells = 1
drive['cell_specific'] = False
drive['dynamics'] = {'mu': par['t0'],
'sigma': sigma,
'numspikes': par['numspikes'],
'n_drive_cells': n_drive_cells}
drive['space_constant'] = par['lamtha']
drive['event_seed'] = par['prng_seedcore']
# XXX Force random states to be the same as HNN-gui for the default
# parameter set after increasing the number of bursty drive
# gids from 2 to 20
if legacy_mode:
drive['event_seed'] -= 18
for cellname in cellname_list:
if cellname in par:
ampa_weight = par[cellname][0]
nmda_weight = par[cellname][1]
synaptic_delays = par[cellname][2]
drive['weights_ampa'][cellname] = ampa_weight
drive['weights_nmda'][cellname] = nmda_weight
drive['synaptic_delays'][cellname] = synaptic_delays
# Skip drive if not in legacy mode
elif feed_name.startswith('extgauss'):
if (not legacy_mode) and par[
'L2_basket'][3] > params['tstop']:
drive['type'] = 'gaussian'
drive['location'] = par['loc']
drive['dynamics'] = {'mu': par['L2_basket'][3], # NB IID
'sigma': par['L2_basket'][4],
'numspikes': 50, # NB hard-coded in GUI!
'sync_within_trial': False}
drive['space_constant'] = par['lamtha']
drive['event_seed'] = par['prng_seedcore']
for cellname in cellname_list:
if cellname in par:
ampa_weight = par[cellname][0]
synaptic_delays = par[cellname][3]
drive['weights_ampa'][cellname] = ampa_weight
drive['synaptic_delays'][cellname] = synaptic_delays
drive['weights_nmda'] = dict() # no NMDA weights for Gaussians
elif feed_name.startswith('extpois'):
if (not legacy_mode) and par['t_interval'][1] < par[
drive['type'] = 'poisson'
drive['location'] = par['loc']
drive['space_constant'] = par['lamtha']
drive['event_seed'] = par['prng_seedcore']
rate_params = dict()
for cellname in cellname_list:
if cellname in par:
rate_params[cellname] = par[cellname][3]
# XXX correct for non-positive poisson rate constant that
# is specified in null poisson drives of legacy
# param files
if not rate_params[cellname] > 0:
rate_params[cellname] = 1
ampa_weight = par[cellname][0]
nmda_weight = par[cellname][1]
synaptic_delays = par[cellname][2]
drive['weights_ampa'][cellname] = ampa_weight
drive['weights_nmda'][cellname] = nmda_weight
drive['synaptic_delays'][cellname] = synaptic_delays
# do NOT allow negative times sometimes used in param-files
drive['dynamics'] = {'tstart': max(0, par['t_interval'][0]),
'tstop': max(0, par['t_interval'][1]),
'rate_constant': rate_params}
drive_specs[feed_name] = drive
return drive_specs
class Params(dict):
"""Params object.
params_input : dict | None
Dictionary of parameters. If None, use default parameters.
def __init__(self, params_input=None):
if params_input is None:
params_input = dict()
if isinstance(params_input, dict):
nprox, ndist = _count_evoked_inputs(params_input)
# create default params templated from params_input
params_default = get_params_default(nprox, ndist)
for key in params_default.keys():
if key in params_input:
self[key] = params_input[key]
self[key] = params_default[key]
raise ValueError('params_input must be dict or None. Got %s'
% type(params_input))
def __repr__(self):
"""Display the params nicely."""
return json.dumps(self, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Return a subset of parameters."""
keys = self.keys()
if key in keys:
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
matches = fnmatch.filter(keys, key)
if len(matches) == 0:
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
params = self.copy()
for key in keys:
if key not in matches:
return params
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Set the value for a subset of parameters."""
keys = self.keys()
if key in keys:
return dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
matches = fnmatch.filter(keys, key)
if len(matches) == 0:
return dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
for key in keys:
if key in matches:
self.update({key: value})
def copy(self):
return deepcopy(self)
def write(self, fname):
"""Write param values to a file.
fname : str
Full path to the output file (.json)
with open(fname, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(self, fp)
def _validate_feed(p_ext_d, tstop):
"""Validate external inputs that are fed to all
cells uniformly (i.e., rather than individually).
For now, this only includes rhythmic inputs.
p_ext_d : dict
The parameter set to validate and append to p_ext.
tstop : float
Stop time of the simulation.
p_ext : list
Cumulative list of dicts with newly appended ExtFeed.
# # reset tstop if the specified tstop exceeds the
# # simulation runtime
if p_ext_d['tstop'] > tstop:
p_ext_d['tstop'] = tstop
# if stdev is zero, increase synaptic weights 5 fold to make
# single input equivalent to 5 simultaneous input to prevent spiking
# <<---- SN: WHAT IS THIS RULE!?!?!?
if not p_ext_d['stdev']:
for key in p_ext_d.keys():
if key.endswith('Pyr'):
p_ext_d[key] = (p_ext_d[key][0] * 5., p_ext_d[key][1])
elif key.endswith('Basket'):
p_ext_d[key] = (p_ext_d[key][0] * 5., p_ext_d[key][1])
# if L5 delay is -1, use same delays as L2 unless L2 delay is 0.1 in
# which case use 1. <<---- SN: WHAT IS THIS RULE!?!?!?
if p_ext_d['L5Pyr_ampa'][1] == -1:
for key in p_ext_d.keys():
if key.startswith('L5'):
if p_ext_d['L2Pyr'][1] != 0.1:
p_ext_d[key] = (p_ext_d[key][0], p_ext_d['L2Pyr'][1])
p_ext_d[key] = (p_ext_d[key][0], 1.)
return p_ext_d
def check_evoked_synkeys(p, nprox, ndist):
# make sure ampa,nmda gbar values are in the param dict for evoked
# inputs(for backwards compatibility)
# evoked distal target cell types
lctprox = ['L2Pyr', 'L5Pyr', 'L2Basket', 'L5Basket']
# evoked proximal target cell types
lctdist = ['L2Pyr', 'L5Pyr', 'L2Basket']
lsy = ['ampa', 'nmda'] # synapse types used in evoked inputs
for nev, pref, lct in zip([nprox, ndist], ['evprox_', 'evdist_'],
[lctprox, lctdist]):
for i in range(nev):
skey = pref + str(i + 1)
for sy in lsy:
for ct in lct:
k = 'gbar_' + skey + '_' + ct + '_' + sy
# if the synapse-specific gbar not present, use the
# existing weight for both ampa,nmda
if k not in p:
p[k] = p['gbar_' + skey + '_' + ct]
def check_pois_synkeys(p):
# make sure ampa,nmda gbar values are in the param dict for Poisson inputs
# (for backwards compatibility)
lct = ['L2Pyr', 'L5Pyr', 'L2Basket', 'L5Basket'] # target cell types
lsy = ['ampa', 'nmda'] # synapse types used in Poisson inputs
for ct in lct:
for sy in lsy:
k = ct + '_Pois_A_weight_' + sy
# if the synapse-specific weight not present, set it to 0 in p
if k not in p:
p[k] = 0.0
# creates the external feed params based on individual simulation params p
def create_pext(p, tstop):
"""Indexable Python list of param dicts for parallel.
Turn off individual feeds by commenting out relevant line here.
always valid, no matter the length.
p : dict
The parameters returned by ExpParams(f_psim).return_pdict()
p_common = list()
# p_unique is a dict of input param types that end up going to each cell
# uniquely
p_unique = dict()
# default params for common proximal inputs
feed_prox = {
'f_input': p['f_input_prox'],
't0': p['t0_input_prox'],
'tstop': p['tstop_input_prox'],
'stdev': p['f_stdev_prox'],
'L2Pyr_ampa': (p['input_prox_A_weight_L2Pyr_ampa'],
'L2Pyr_nmda': (p['input_prox_A_weight_L2Pyr_nmda'],
'L5Pyr_ampa': (p['input_prox_A_weight_L5Pyr_ampa'],
'L5Pyr_nmda': (p['input_prox_A_weight_L5Pyr_nmda'],
'L2Basket_ampa': (p['input_prox_A_weight_L2Basket_ampa'],
'L2Basket_nmda': (p['input_prox_A_weight_L2Basket_nmda'],
'L5Basket_ampa': (p['input_prox_A_weight_L5Basket_ampa'],
'L5Basket_nmda': (p['input_prox_A_weight_L5Basket_nmda'],
'events_per_cycle': p['events_per_cycle_prox'],
'prng_seedcore': int(p['prng_seedcore_input_prox']),
'lamtha': 100.,
'loc': 'proximal',
'n_drive_cells': p['repeats_prox'],
't0_stdev': p['t0_input_stdev_prox'],
'threshold': p['threshold']
# ensures time interval makes sense
p_common.append(_validate_feed(feed_prox, tstop))
# default params for common distal inputs
feed_dist = {
'f_input': p['f_input_dist'],
't0': p['t0_input_dist'],
'tstop': p['tstop_input_dist'],
'stdev': p['f_stdev_dist'],
'L2Pyr_ampa': (p['input_dist_A_weight_L2Pyr_ampa'],
'L2Pyr_nmda': (p['input_dist_A_weight_L2Pyr_nmda'],
'L5Pyr_ampa': (p['input_dist_A_weight_L5Pyr_ampa'],
'L5Pyr_nmda': (p['input_dist_A_weight_L5Pyr_nmda'],
'L2Basket_ampa': (p['input_dist_A_weight_L2Basket_ampa'],
'L2Basket_nmda': (p['input_dist_A_weight_L2Basket_nmda'],
'events_per_cycle': p['events_per_cycle_dist'],
'prng_seedcore': int(p['prng_seedcore_input_dist']),
'lamtha': 100.,
'loc': 'distal',
'n_drive_cells': p['repeats_dist'],
't0_stdev': p['t0_input_stdev_dist'],
'threshold': p['threshold']
p_common.append(_validate_feed(feed_dist, tstop))
nprox, ndist = _count_evoked_inputs(p)
# print('nprox,ndist evoked inputs:', nprox, ndist)
# NEW: make sure all evoked synaptic weights present
# (for backwards compatibility)
# could cause differences between output of param files
# since some nmda weights should be 0 while others > 0
# XXX dangerzone: params are modified in-place, values are imputed if
# deemed missing (e.g. if 'gbar_evprox_1_L2Pyr_nmda' is not defined, the
# code adds it to the p-dict with value: p['gbar_evprox_1_L2Pyr'])
check_evoked_synkeys(p, nprox, ndist)
# Create proximal evoked response parameters
# f_input needs to be defined as 0
for i in range(nprox):
skey = 'evprox_' + str(i + 1)
p_unique['evprox' + str(i + 1)] = {
't0': p['t_' + skey],
'L2_pyramidal': (p['gbar_' + skey + '_L2Pyr_ampa'],
p['gbar_' + skey + '_L2Pyr_nmda'],
0.1, p['sigma_t_' + skey]),
'L2_basket': (p['gbar_' + skey + '_L2Basket_ampa'],
p['gbar_' + skey + '_L2Basket_nmda'],
0.1, p['sigma_t_' + skey]),
'L5_pyramidal': (p['gbar_' + skey + '_L5Pyr_ampa'],
p['gbar_' + skey + '_L5Pyr_nmda'],
1., p['sigma_t_' + skey]),
'L5_basket': (p['gbar_' + skey + '_L5Basket_ampa'],
p['gbar_' + skey + '_L5Basket_nmda'],
1., p['sigma_t_' + skey]),
'prng_seedcore': int(p['prng_seedcore_' + skey]),
'lamtha': 3.,
'loc': 'proximal',
'sync_evinput': p['sync_evinput'],
'threshold': p['threshold'],
'numspikes': p['numspikes_' + skey]
# Create distal evoked response parameters
# f_input needs to be defined as 0
for i in range(ndist):
skey = 'evdist_' + str(i + 1)
p_unique['evdist' + str(i + 1)] = {
't0': p['t_' + skey],
'L2_pyramidal': (p['gbar_' + skey + '_L2Pyr_ampa'],
p['gbar_' + skey + '_L2Pyr_nmda'],
0.1, p['sigma_t_' + skey]),
'L5_pyramidal': (p['gbar_' + skey + '_L5Pyr_ampa'],
p['gbar_' + skey + '_L5Pyr_nmda'],
0.1, p['sigma_t_' + skey]),
'L2_basket': (p['gbar_' + skey + '_L2Basket_ampa'],
p['gbar_' + skey + '_L2Basket_nmda'],
0.1, p['sigma_t_' + skey]),
'prng_seedcore': int(p['prng_seedcore_' + skey]),
'lamtha': 3.,
'loc': 'distal',
'sync_evinput': p['sync_evinput'],
'threshold': p['threshold'],
'numspikes': p['numspikes_' + skey]
# this needs to create many feeds
# (amplitude, delay, mu, sigma). ordered this way to preserve compatibility
# NEW: note double weight specification since only use ampa for gauss
# inputs
p_unique['extgauss'] = {
'stim': 'gaussian',
'L2_basket': (p['L2Basket_Gauss_A_weight'],
1., p['L2Basket_Gauss_mu'],
'L2_pyramidal': (p['L2Pyr_Gauss_A_weight'],
0.1, p['L2Pyr_Gauss_mu'], p['L2Pyr_Gauss_sigma']),
'L5_basket': (p['L5Basket_Gauss_A_weight'],
1., p['L5Basket_Gauss_mu'], p['L5Basket_Gauss_sigma']),
'L5_pyramidal': (p['L5Pyr_Gauss_A_weight'],
1., p['L5Pyr_Gauss_mu'], p['L5Pyr_Gauss_sigma']),
'lamtha': 100.,
'prng_seedcore': int(p['prng_seedcore_extgauss']),
'loc': 'proximal',
'threshold': p['threshold']
# Poisson distributed inputs to proximal
# NEW: setting up AMPA and NMDA for Poisson inputs; why delays differ?
p_unique['extpois'] = {
'stim': 'poisson',
'L2_basket': (p['L2Basket_Pois_A_weight_ampa'],
1., p['L2Basket_Pois_lamtha']),
'L2_pyramidal': (p['L2Pyr_Pois_A_weight_ampa'],
0.1, p['L2Pyr_Pois_lamtha']),
'L5_basket': (p['L5Basket_Pois_A_weight_ampa'],
1., p['L5Basket_Pois_lamtha']),
'L5_pyramidal': (p['L5Pyr_Pois_A_weight_ampa'],
1., p['L5Pyr_Pois_lamtha']),
'lamtha': 100.,
'prng_seedcore': int(p['prng_seedcore_extpois']),
't_interval': (p['t0_pois'], p['T_pois']),
'loc': 'proximal',
'threshold': p['threshold']
return p_common, p_unique
# Takes two dictionaries (d1 and d2) and compares the keys in d1 to those in d2
# if any match, updates the (key, value) pair of d1 to match that of d2
# not real happy with variable names, but will have to do for now
def compare_dictionaries(d1, d2):
# iterate over intersection of key sets (i.e. any common keys)
for key in d1.keys() and d2.keys():
# update d1 to have same (key, value) pair as d2
d1[key] = d2[key]
return d1
def _any_positive_weights(drive):
""" Checks a drive for any positive weights. """
weights = (list(drive['weights_ampa'].values()) +
if any([val > 0 for val in weights]):
return True
return False
def remove_nulled_drives(net):
"""Removes drives from network if they have been given null parameters.
Legacy param files contained parameter placeholders for non-functional
drives. These drives were nulled by assigning values outside typical
ranges. This function removes drives on the following conditions:
1. Start time is larger than stop time
2. All weights are non-positive
net : Network object
net : Network object
from .network import pick_connection
net = deepcopy(net)
drives_copy = net.external_drives.copy()
extras = dict()
for drive_name, drive in net.external_drives.items():
conn_indices = pick_connection(net, src_gids=drive_name)
space_constant = net.connectivity[conn_indices[0]]['nc_dict']['lamtha']
probability = net.connectivity[conn_indices[0]]['probability']
extras[drive_name] = {'space_constant': space_constant,
'probability': probability}
for drive_name, drive in drives_copy.items():
# Do not add drive if tstart is > tstop, or negative
t_start = drive['dynamics'].get('tstart')
t_stop = drive['dynamics'].get('tstop')
if (t_start is not None and t_stop is not None and
((t_start > t_stop) or
(t_start < 0) or
(t_stop < 0))):
# Do not add if all 0 weights
elif not _any_positive_weights(drive):
# Set n_drive_cells to 'n_cells' if equal to max number of cells
if drive['cell_specific']:
drive['n_drive_cells'] = 'n_cells'
net._attach_drive(drive['name'], drive, drive['weights_ampa'],
drive['weights_nmda'], drive['location'],
drive['n_drive_cells'], drive['cell_specific'],
return net
def convert_to_json(params_fname,
"""Converts legacy json or param format to hierarchical json format
params_fname : str or Path
Path to file
out_fname: str
Path to output
include_drives: bool, default=True
Include drives from params file
overwrite: bool, default=True
Overwrite file
from .network_models import jones_2009_model
# Validate inputs
_validate_type(params_fname, (str, Path), 'params_fname')
_validate_type(out_fname, (str, Path), 'out_fname')
# Convert to Path
params_fname = Path(params_fname)
out_fname = Path(out_fname)
params_suffix = params_fname.suffix.lower().split('.')[-1]
# Add suffix if not supplied
if out_fname.suffix != '.json':
out_fname = out_fname.with_suffix('.json')
net = jones_2009_model(params=read_params(params_fname),
legacy_mode=(True if params_suffix == 'param'
else False),
# Remove drives that have null attributes
net = remove_nulled_drives(net)
# debug test function
if __name__ == '__main__':
fparam = 'param/debug.param'