Source code for hnn_core.optimization.general_optimization

"""Parameter optimization."""

# Authors: Carolina Fernandez <>
#          Nick Tolley <>
#          Ryan Thorpe <>
#          Mainak Jas <>

import numpy as np

from .objective_functions import _rmse_evoked, _maximize_psd

[docs]class Optimizer: def __init__(self, initial_net, tstop, constraints, set_params, solver='bayesian', obj_fun='dipole_rmse', max_iter=200): """Parameter optimization. Parameters ---------- initial_net : instance of Network The network object. tstop : float The simulated dipole's duration. constraints : dict The user-defined constraints. set_params : func User-defined function that sets parameters in network drives. ``set_params(net, params) -> None`` where ``net`` is a Network object and ``params`` is a dictionary of the parameters that will be set inside the function. solver : str The optimizer, 'bayesian' or 'cobyla'. obj_fun : str | func The objective function to be minimized. Can be 'dipole_rmse', 'maximize_psd', or a user-defined function. The default is 'dipole_rmse'. max_iter : int, optional The max number of calls to the objective function. The default is 200. Attributes ---------- constraints : dict The user-defined constraints. max_iter : int The max number of calls to the objective function. solver : func The optimization function. obj_fun : func The objective function to be minimized. obj_fun_name : str The name of the template objective function. tstop : float The simulated dipole's duration. net_ : instance of Network The network object with optimized drives. obj_ : list The objective function values. opt_params_ : list The list of optimized parameter values. """ if initial_net.external_drives: raise ValueError("The current Network instance has external " + "drives, provide a Network object with no " + "external drives.") self._initial_net = initial_net self.constraints = constraints self._set_params = set_params self.max_iter = max_iter # Optimizer method if solver == 'bayesian': self.solver = 'bayesian' self._assemble_constraints = _assemble_constraints_bayesian self._run_opt = _run_opt_bayesian elif solver == 'cobyla': self.solver = 'cobyla' self._assemble_constraints = _assemble_constraints_cobyla self._run_opt = _run_opt_cobyla else: raise ValueError("solver must be 'bayesian' or 'cobyla'") # Response to be optimized if obj_fun == 'dipole_rmse': self.obj_fun = _rmse_evoked self.obj_fun_name = 'dipole_rmse' elif obj_fun == 'maximize_psd': self.obj_fun = _maximize_psd self.obj_fun_name = 'maximize_psd' else: self.obj_fun = obj_fun # user-defined function self.obj_fun_name = None self.tstop = tstop self.net_ = None self.obj_ = list() self.opt_params_ = None
[docs] def __repr__(self): is_fit = False if self.net_ is not None: is_fit = True name = self.__class__.__name__ return f"<{name}\nsolver={self.solver}\nfit={is_fit}>"
[docs] def fit(self, **obj_fun_kwargs): """Runs optimization routine. Parameters ---------- target : instance of Dipole (if obj_fun='dipole_rmse') A dipole object with experimental data. f_bands : list of tuples (if obj_fun='maximize_psd') Lower and higher limit for each frequency band. relative_bandpower : tuple (if obj_fun='maximize_psd') Weight for each frequency band. scale_factor : float, optional The dipole scale factor. smooth_window_len : float, optional The smooth window length. """ if (self.obj_fun_name == 'dipole_rmse' and 'target' not in obj_fun_kwargs): raise Exception('target must be specified') elif (self.obj_fun_name == 'maximize_psd' and ('f_bands' not in obj_fun_kwargs or 'relative_bandpower' not in obj_fun_kwargs)): raise Exception('f_bands and relative_bandpower must be specified') constraints = self._assemble_constraints(self.constraints) initial_params = _get_initial_params(self.constraints) opt_params, obj, net_ = self._run_opt(self._initial_net, self.tstop, constraints, self._set_params, self.obj_fun, initial_params, self.max_iter, obj_fun_kwargs) self.net_ = net_ self.obj_ = obj self.opt_params_ = opt_params
[docs] def plot_convergence(self, ax=None, show=True): """Convergence plot. Parameters ---------- ax : instance of matplotlib figure, optional The matplotlib axis. The default is None. show : bool If True, show the figure. The default is True. Returns ------- fig : instance of plt.fig The matplotlib figure handle. """ import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(constrained_layout=True) axis = ax if isinstance(ax, mpl.axes._axes.Axes) else ax x = list(range(1, self.max_iter + 1)) y_min = min(self.obj_) - 0.01 y_max = max(self.obj_) + 0.01 axis.plot(x, self.obj_, color='black') axis.set_ylim([y_min, y_max]) axis.set_title('Convergence') axis.set_xlabel('Number of calls') axis.set_ylabel('Objective value') axis.grid(visible=True) return axis.get_figure()
def _get_initial_params(constraints): """Gets initial parameters as midpoints of parameter ranges. Parameters ---------- constraints : dict The user-defined constraints. Returns ------- initial_params : dict Keys are parameter names, values are initial parameters. """ initial_params = dict() for cons_key in constraints: initial_params.update({cons_key: ((constraints[cons_key][0] + constraints[cons_key][1])) / 2}) return initial_params def _assemble_constraints_bayesian(constraints): """Assembles constraints in format required by gp_minimize. Parameters ---------- constraints : dict The user-defined constraints. Returns ------- cons_bayesian : list of tuples Lower and higher limit for each parameter. """ # assemble constraints in solver-specific format cons_bayesian = list(constraints.values()) return cons_bayesian def _assemble_constraints_cobyla(constraints): """Assembles constraints in format required by fmin_cobyla. Parameters ---------- constraints : dict The user-defined constraints. Returns ------- cons_bayesian : dict Set of functions. """ # assemble constraints in solver-specific format cons_cobyla = list() for idx, cons_key in enumerate(constraints): cons_cobyla.append(lambda x, idx=idx: float(constraints[cons_key][1]) - x[idx]) cons_cobyla.append(lambda x, idx=idx: x[idx] - float(constraints[cons_key][0])) return cons_cobyla def _update_params(initial_params, predicted_params): """Update params with predicted parameters. Parameters ---------- initial_params : dict Keys are parameter names, values are initial parameters. predicted_params : list Parameters selected by the optimizer. Returns ------- params : dict Keys are parameter names, values are parameters. """ params = dict() for param_key, param_name in enumerate(initial_params): params.update({param_name: predicted_params[param_key]}) return params def _run_opt_bayesian(initial_net, tstop, constraints, set_params, obj_fun, initial_params, max_iter, obj_fun_kwargs): """Runs optimization routine with gp_minimize optimizer. Parameters ---------- initial_net : instance of Network The network object. tstop : float The simulated dipole's duration. constraints : list of tuples Parameter constraints in solver-specific format. set_params : func User-defined function that sets parameters in network drives. obj_fun : func The objective function. initial_params : dict Keys are parameter names, values are initial parameters. max_iter : int Number of calls the optimizer makes. Returns ------- opt_params : list Optimized parameters. obj : list Objective values. net_ : instance of Network Optimized network object. """ from ..externals.bayesopt import bayes_opt, expected_improvement obj_values = list() def _obj_func(predicted_params): return obj_fun(initial_net=initial_net, initial_params=initial_params, set_params=set_params, predicted_params=predicted_params, update_params=_update_params, obj_values=obj_values, tstop=tstop, obj_fun_kwargs=obj_fun_kwargs) opt_results, _ = bayes_opt(func=_obj_func, x0=list(initial_params.values()), cons=constraints, acquisition=expected_improvement, maxfun=max_iter) # get optimized params opt_params = opt_results # get objective values obj = [np.min(obj_values[:idx]) for idx in range(1, max_iter + 1)] # get optimized net params = _update_params(initial_params, opt_params) net_ = initial_net.copy() set_params(net_, params) return opt_params, obj, net_ def _run_opt_cobyla(initial_net, tstop, constraints, set_params, obj_fun, initial_params, max_iter, obj_fun_kwargs): """Runs optimization routine with fmin_cobyla optimizer. Parameters ---------- initial_net : instance of Network The network object. tstop : float The simulated dipole's duration. constraints : list of tuples Parameter constraints in solver-specific format. set_params : func User-defined function that sets parameters in network drives. obj_fun : func The objective function. initial_params : dict Keys are parameter names, values are initial parameters. max_iter : int Number of calls the optimizer makes. Returns ------- opt_params : list Optimized parameters. obj : list Objective values. net_ : instance of Network Optimized network object. """ from scipy.optimize import fmin_cobyla obj_values = list() def _obj_func(predicted_params): return obj_fun(initial_net=initial_net, initial_params=initial_params, set_params=set_params, predicted_params=predicted_params, update_params=_update_params, obj_values=obj_values, tstop=tstop, obj_fun_kwargs=obj_fun_kwargs) opt_results = fmin_cobyla(_obj_func, cons=constraints, rhobeg=0.1, rhoend=1e-4, x0=list(initial_params.values()), maxfun=max_iter, catol=0.0) # get optimized params opt_params = opt_results # get objective values obj = [np.min(obj_values[:idx]) for idx in range(1, max_iter + 1)] # get optimized net params = _update_params(initial_params, opt_params) net_ = initial_net.copy() set_params(net_, params) return opt_params, obj, net_