Source code for hnn_core.dipole

"""Class to handle the dipoles."""

# Authors: Mainak Jas <>
#          Sam Neymotin <>

import os
import warnings
from io import StringIO

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from h5io import write_hdf5, read_hdf5
from .externals.mne import _check_option

from .viz import plot_dipole, plot_psd, plot_tfr_morlet

[docs]def simulate_dipole(net, tstop, dt=0.025, n_trials=None, record_vsec=False, record_isec=False, record_ca=False, postproc=False): """Simulate a dipole given the experiment parameters. Parameters ---------- net : Network object The Network object specifying how cells are connected. tstop : float The simulation stop time (ms). dt : float The integration time step of h.CVode (ms) n_trials : int | None The number of trials to simulate. If None, the 'N_trials' value of the ``params`` used to create ``net`` is used (must be >0) record_vsec : 'all' | 'soma' | False Option to record voltages from all sections ('all'), or just the soma ('soma'). Default: False. record_isec : 'all' | 'soma' | False Option to record synaptic currents from all sections ('all'), or just the soma ('soma'). Default: False. record_ca : 'all' | 'soma' | False Option to record calcium concentration from all sections ('all'), or just the soma ('soma'). Default: False. postproc : bool If True, smoothing (``dipole_smooth_win``) and scaling (``dipole_scalefctr``) values are read from the parameter file, and applied to the dipole objects before returning. Note that this setting only affects the dipole waveforms, and not somatic voltages, possible extracellular recordings etc. The preferred way is to use the :meth:`~hnn_core.dipole.Dipole.smooth` and :meth:`~hnn_core.dipole.Dipole.scale` methods instead. Default: False. Returns ------- dpls: list List of dipole objects for each trials """ from .parallel_backends import _BACKEND, JoblibBackend if _BACKEND is None: _BACKEND = JoblibBackend(n_jobs=1) if n_trials is None: n_trials = net._params['N_trials'] if n_trials < 1: raise ValueError("Invalid number of simulations: %d" % n_trials) if not net.connectivity: warnings.warn('No connections instantiated in network. Consider using ' 'net = jones_2009_model() or net = law_2021_model() to ' 'create a predefined network from published models.', UserWarning) # ADD DRIVE WARNINGS HERE if not net.external_drives and not net.external_biases: warnings.warn('No external drives or biases loaded', UserWarning) for drive_name, drive in net.external_drives.items(): if 'tstop' in drive['dynamics']: if drive['dynamics']['tstop'] is None: drive['dynamics']['tstop'] = tstop for bias_name, bias in net.external_biases.items(): for cell_type, bias_cell_type in bias.items(): if bias_cell_type['tstop'] is None: bias_cell_type['tstop'] = tstop if bias_cell_type['tstop'] < 0.: raise ValueError('End time of tonic input cannot be negative') duration = bias_cell_type['tstop'] - bias_cell_type['t0'] if duration < 0.: raise ValueError('Duration of tonic input cannot be negative') net._instantiate_drives(n_trials=n_trials, tstop=tstop) net._reset_rec_arrays() _check_option('record_vsec', record_vsec, ['all', 'soma', False]) net._params['record_vsec'] = record_vsec _check_option('record_isec', record_isec, ['all', 'soma', False]) net._params['record_isec'] = record_isec _check_option('record_ca', record_ca, ['all', 'soma', False]) net._params['record_ca'] = record_ca net._tstop = tstop net._dt = dt if postproc: warnings.warn('The postproc-argument is deprecated and will be removed' ' in a future release of hnn-core. Please define ' 'smoothing and scaling explicitly using Dipole methods.', DeprecationWarning) dpls = _BACKEND.simulate(net, tstop, dt, n_trials, postproc) return dpls
def _read_dipole_txt(fname, extension='.txt'): """Read dipole values from a txt file and create a Dipole instance. Parameters ---------- fname : str or io.StringIO Full path to the input file (.txt or .csv) or Content of file in memory as a StringIO Returns ------- dpl : Dipole The instance of Dipole class """ if extension == '.csv': # read from a csv file ignoring the headers dpl_data = np.genfromtxt(fname, delimiter=',', skip_header=1, dtype=float) else: dpl_data = np.loadtxt(fname, dtype=float) ncols = dpl_data.shape[1] if ncols not in (2, 4): raise ValueError( f'Data are supposed to have 2 or 4 columns while we have {ncols}.') dpl = Dipole(dpl_data[:, 0], dpl_data[:, 1:]) return dpl def _read_dipole_hdf5(fname): """Read dipole values from a hdf5 file and create a Dipole instance. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the input file (.hdf5) Returns ------- dpl : Dipole The instance of Dipole class """ dpl_data = read_hdf5(fname) if 'object_type' not in dpl_data: raise NameError('The given file is not compatible. ' 'The file should contain information' ' about object type to be read.') if dpl_data['object_type'] != 'Dipole': raise ValueError('The object should be of type Dipole. ' 'The file contains object of ' 'type %s' % (dpl_data['object_type'],)) dpl = Dipole(times=dpl_data['times'], data=dpl_data['data'], nave=dpl_data['nave']) dpl.sfreq = dpl_data['sfreq'] dpl.scale_applied = dpl_data['scale_applied'] return dpl
[docs]def read_dipole(fname): """Read dipole values from a txt or hdf5 file and create a Dipole instance. Parameters ---------- fname : str | Path object Full path to the input file (.txt or .hdf5) Returns ------- dpl : Dipole The instance of Dipole class """ fname = str(fname) if not os.path.exists(fname): raise FileNotFoundError('File not found at path %s.' % (fname,)) file_extension = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] if file_extension == '.txt': return _read_dipole_txt(fname) elif file_extension == '.hdf5': return _read_dipole_hdf5(fname) else: raise NameError('File extension should be either txt or hdf5, but the ' 'given extension is %s' % (file_extension,))
[docs]def average_dipoles(dpls): """Compute dipole averages over a list of Dipole objects. Parameters ---------- dpls : list of Dipole objects Contains list of dipole objects, each with a `data` member containing 'L2', 'L5' and 'agg' components Returns ------- dpl : instance of Dipole A new dipole object with each component of `` representing the average over the same components in the input list """ scale_applied = dpls[0].scale_applied for dpl_idx, dpl in enumerate(dpls): if dpl.scale_applied != scale_applied: raise RuntimeError('All dipoles must be scaled equally!') if not isinstance(dpl, Dipole): raise ValueError( f"All elements in the list should be instances of " f"Dipole. Got {type(dpl)}") if dpl.nave > 1: raise ValueError("Dipole at index %d was already an average of %d" " trials. Cannot reaverage" % (dpl_idx, dpl.nave)) avg_data = list() layers = for layer in layers: avg_data.append( np.mean(np.array([[layer] for dpl in dpls]), axis=0) ) avg_data = np.c_[avg_data].T avg_dpl = Dipole(dpls[0].times, avg_data) # The averaged scale should equal all scals in the input dpl list. avg_dpl.scale_applied = scale_applied # set nave to the number of trials averaged in this dipole avg_dpl.nave = len(dpls) return avg_dpl
def _rmse(dpl, exp_dpl, tstart=0.0, tstop=0.0, weights=None): """ Calculates RMSE between data in dpl and exp_dpl Parameters ---------- dpl : instance of Dipole A dipole object with simulated data exp_dpl : instance of Dipole A dipole object with experimental data tstart : None | float Time at beginning of range over which to calculate RMSE tstop : None | float Time at end of range over which to calculate RMSE weights : None | array An array of weights to be applied to each point in simulated dpl. Must have length >= If None, weights will be replaced with 1's for typical RMSE calculation. Returns ------- err : float Weighted RMSE between data in dpl and exp_dpl """ from scipy import signal exp_times = exp_dpl.times sim_times = dpl.times # do tstart and tstop fall within both datasets? # if not, use the closest data point as the new tstop/tstart for tseries in [exp_times, sim_times]: if tstart < tseries[0]: tstart = tseries[0] if tstop > tseries[-1]: tstop = tseries[-1] # make sure start and end times are valid for both dipoles exp_start_index = (np.abs(exp_times - tstart)).argmin() exp_end_index = (np.abs(exp_times - tstop)).argmin() exp_length = exp_end_index - exp_start_index sim_start_index = (np.abs(sim_times - tstart)).argmin() sim_end_index = (np.abs(sim_times - tstop)).argmin() sim_length = sim_end_index - sim_start_index if weights is None: # weighted RMSE with weights of all 1's is equivalent to # normal RMSE weights = np.ones(len(sim_times[0:sim_end_index])) weights = weights[sim_start_index:sim_end_index] dpl1 =['agg'][sim_start_index:sim_end_index] dpl2 =['agg'][exp_start_index:exp_end_index] if (sim_length > exp_length): # downsample simulation timeseries to match exp data dpl1 = signal.resample(dpl1, exp_length) weights = signal.resample(weights, exp_length) indices = np.where(weights < 1e-4) weights[indices] = 0 elif (sim_length < exp_length): # downsample exp timeseries to match simulation data dpl2 = signal.resample(dpl2, sim_length) return np.sqrt((weights * ((dpl1 - dpl2) ** 2)).sum() / weights.sum())
[docs]class Dipole(object): """Dipole class. An instance of the ``Dipole``-class contains the simulated dipole moment timecourses for L2 and L5 pyramidal cells, as well as their aggregate (``'agg'``). The units of the dipole moment are in ``nAm`` (1e-9 Ampere-meters). Parameters ---------- times : array (n_times,) The time vector (in ms) data : array, shape (n_times x n_layers) The data. The first column represents 'agg' (the total diple), the second 'L2' layer and the last one 'L5' layer. For experimental data, it can contain only one column. nave : int Number of trials that were averaged to produce this Dipole. Defaults to 1 Attributes ---------- times : array-like The time vector (in ms) sfreq : float The sampling frequency (in Hz) data : dict of array Dipole moment timecourse arrays with keys 'agg', 'L2' and 'L5' nave : int Number of trials that were averaged to produce this Dipole scale_applied : int or float The total factor by which the dipole has been scaled (using :meth:`~hnn_core.dipole.Dipole.scale`). """ def __init__(self, times, data, nave=1): # noqa: D102 self.times = np.array(times) if isinstance(data, dict): = data else: if data.ndim == 1: data = data[:, None] if data.shape[1] == 3: = {'agg': data[:, 0], 'L2': data[:, 1], 'L5': data[:, 2]} elif data.shape[1] == 1: = {'agg': data[:, 0]} self.nave = nave self.sfreq = 1000. / (times[1] - times[0]) # NB assumes len > 1 self.scale_applied = 1 # for visualisation
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Dipole instance Returns ------- dpl_copy : instance of Dipole A copy of the Dipole instance. """ return deepcopy(self)
def _post_proc(self, window_len, fctr): """Apply scaling and smoothing from param-files (DEPRECATE) Parameters ---------- window_len : int Smoothing window in ms fctr : int Scaling factor """ self.scale(fctr) if window_len > 0: # this is to allow param-files with len==0 self.smooth(window_len) def _convert_fAm_to_nAm(self): """The NEURON simulator output is in fAm, convert to nAm NB! Must be run `after` :meth:`Dipole.baseline_renormalization` """ for key in[key] *= 1e-6
[docs] def scale(self, factor): """Scale (multiply) the dipole moment by a fixed factor The attribute ``Dipole.scale_applied`` is updated to reflect factors applied and displayed in plots. Parameters ---------- factor : int Scaling factor, applied to the data in-place. """ for key in[key] *= factor self.scale_applied *= factor return self
[docs] def smooth(self, window_len): """Smooth the dipole waveform using Hamming-windowed convolution Note that this method operates in-place, i.e., it will alter the data. If you prefer a filtered copy, consider using the :meth:`~hnn_core.dipole.Dipole.copy`-method. Parameters ---------- window_len : float The length (in ms) of a `~numpy.hamming` window to convolve the data with. Returns ------- dpl_copy : instance of Dipole A copy of the modified Dipole instance. """ from .utils import smooth_waveform for key in[key] = smooth_waveform([key], window_len, self.sfreq) return self
[docs] def savgol_filter(self, h_freq): """Smooth the dipole waveform using Savitzky-Golay filtering Note that this method operates in-place, i.e., it will alter the data. If you prefer a filtered copy, consider using the :meth:`~hnn_core.dipole.Dipole.copy`-method. The high-frequency cutoff value of a Savitzky-Golay filter is approximate; see the SciPy reference: :func:`~scipy.signal.savgol_filter`. Parameters ---------- h_freq : float or None Approximate high cutoff frequency in Hz. Note that this is not an exact cutoff, since Savitzky-Golay filtering is done using polynomial fits instead of FIR/IIR filtering. This parameter is thus used to determine the length of the window over which a 5th-order polynomial smoothing is applied. Returns ------- dpl_copy : instance of Dipole A copy of the modified Dipole instance. """ from .utils import _savgol_filter if h_freq < 0: raise ValueError('h_freq cannot be negative') elif h_freq > 0.5 * self.sfreq: raise ValueError( 'h_freq must be less than half the sample rate') for key in[key] = _savgol_filter([key], h_freq, self.sfreq) return self
[docs] def plot(self, tmin=None, tmax=None, layer='agg', decim=None, ax=None, color='k', show=True): """Simple layer-specific plot function. Parameters ---------- layer : str The layer to plot. Can be one of 'agg', 'L2', and 'L5' decimate : int Factor by which to decimate the raw dipole traces (optional) ax : instance of matplotlib figure | None The matplotlib axis color : tuple of float RGBA value to use for plotting. By default, 'k' (black) show : bool If True, show the figure Returns ------- fig : instance of plt.fig The matplotlib figure handle. """ return plot_dipole(self, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, ax=ax, layer=layer, decim=decim, color=color, show=show)
[docs] def plot_psd(self, fmin=0, fmax=None, tmin=None, tmax=None, layer='agg', color=None, label=None, ax=None, show=True): """Plot power spectral density (PSD) of dipole time course Applies `~scipy.signal.periodogram` from SciPy with ``window='hamming'``. Note that no spectral averaging is applied across time, as most ``hnn_core`` simulations are short-duration. However, passing a list of `Dipole` instances will plot their average (Hamming-windowed) power, which resembles the `Welch`-method applied over time. Parameters ---------- dpl : instance of Dipole | list of Dipole instances The Dipole object. fmin : float Minimum frequency to plot (in Hz). Default: 0 Hz fmax : float Maximum frequency to plot (in Hz). Default: None (plot up to Nyquist) tmin : float or None Start time of data to include (in ms). If None, use entire simulation. tmax : float or None End time of data to include (in ms). If None, use entire simulation. layer : str, default 'agg' The layer to plot. Can be one of 'agg', 'L2', and 'L5' color : str | tuple | None The line color of PSD label : str | None Line label for PSD ax : instance of matplotlib figure | None The matplotlib axis. show : bool If True, show the figure Returns ------- fig : instance of matplotlib Figure The matplotlib figure handle. """ return plot_psd(self, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, layer=layer, color=color, label=label, ax=ax, show=show)
[docs] def plot_tfr_morlet(self, freqs, n_cycles=7., tmin=None, tmax=None, layer='agg', decim=None, padding='zeros', ax=None, colormap='inferno', colorbar=True, colorbar_inside=False, show=True): """Plot Morlet time-frequency representation of dipole time course NB: Calls `~mne.time_frequency.tfr_array_morlet`, so ``mne`` must be installed. Parameters ---------- dpl : instance of Dipole | list of Dipole instances The Dipole object. If a list of dipoles is given, the power is calculated separately for each trial, then averaged. freqs : array Frequency range of interest. n_cycles : float or array of float, default 7.0 Number of cycles. Fixed number or one per frequency. tmin : float or None Start time of plot in milliseconds. If None, plot entire simulation. tmax : float or None End time of plot in milliseconds. If None, plot entire simulation. layer : str, default 'agg' The layer to plot. Can be one of 'agg', 'L2', and 'L5' decim : int or list of int or None (default) Optional (integer) factor by which to decimate the raw dipole traces. The SciPy function :func:`~scipy.signal.decimate` is used, which recommends values <13. To achieve higher decimation factors, a list of ints can be provided. These are applied successively. padding : str or None Optional padding of the dipole time course beyond the plotting limits. Possible values are: 'zeros' for padding with 0's (default), 'mirror' for mirror-image padding. ax : instance of matplotlib figure | None The matplotlib axis colormap : str The name of a matplotlib colormap, e.g., 'viridis'. Default: 'inferno' colorbar : bool If True (default), adjust figure to include colorbar. colorbar_inside: bool, default False Put the color inside the heatmap if True. show : bool If True, show the figure Returns ------- fig : instance of matplotlib Figure The matplotlib figure handle. """ return plot_tfr_morlet( self, freqs, n_cycles=n_cycles, tmin=tmin, tmax=tmax, layer=layer, decim=decim, padding=padding, ax=ax, colormap=colormap, colorbar=colorbar, colorbar_inside=colorbar_inside, show=show)
def _baseline_renormalize(self, N_pyr_x, N_pyr_y): """Only baseline renormalize if the units are fAm. Parameters ---------- N_pyr_x : int Nr of cells (x) N_pyr_y : int Nr of cells (y) """ # N_pyr cells in grid. This is PER LAYER N_pyr = N_pyr_x * N_pyr_y # dipole offset calculation: increasing number of pyr # cells (L2 and L5, simultaneously) # with no inputs resulted in an aggregate dipole over the # interval [50., 1000.] ms that # eventually plateaus at -48 fAm. The range over this interval # is something like 3 fAm # so the resultant correction is here, per dipole # dpl_offset = N_pyr * 50.207 dpl_offset = { # these values will be subtracted 'L2': N_pyr * 0.0443, 'L5': N_pyr * -49.0502 # 'L5': N_pyr * -48.3642, # will be calculated next, this is a placeholder # 'agg': None, } # L2 dipole offset can be roughly baseline shifted over # the entire range of t['L2'] -= dpl_offset['L2'] # L5 dipole offset should be different for interval [50., 500.] # and then it can be offset # slope (m) and intercept (b) params for L5 dipole offset # uncorrected for N_cells # these values were fit over the range [37., 750.) m = 3.4770508e-3 b = -51.231085 # these values were fit over the range [750., 5000] t1 = 750. m1 = 1.01e-4 b1 = -48.412078 # piecewise normalization['L5'][self.times <= 37.] -= dpl_offset['L5']['L5'][(self.times > 37.) & (self.times < t1)] -= N_pyr * \ (m * self.times[(self.times > 37.) & (self.times < t1)] + b)['L5'][self.times >= t1] -= N_pyr * \ (m1 * self.times[self.times >= t1] + b1) # recalculate the aggregate dipole based on the baseline # normalized ones['agg'] =['L2'] +['L5'] def _write_txt(self, fname): """Write dipole values to a file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the output file (.txt) Outputs ------- A tab separatd txt file where rows correspond to samples and columns correspond to 1) time (ms), 2) aggregate current dipole (scaled nAm), 3) L2/3 current dipole (scaled nAm), and 4) L5 current dipole (scaled nAm) """ warnings.warn('Writing dipole to txt file is deprecated ' 'and will be removed in future versions. ' 'Please use hdf5', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) if self.nave > 1: warnings.warn("Saving Dipole to file that is an average of %d" " trials" % self.nave) X = [self.times] fmt = ['%3.3f'] for data in X.append(data) fmt.append('%5.4f') X = np.r_[X].T np.savetxt(fname, X, fmt=fmt, delimiter='\t') def _write_hdf5(self, fname): """Write dipole values to a hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to the output file (.hdf5) Outputs ------- A hdf5 file containing the dipole object """ print(f'Writing file {fname}') dpl_data = dict() dpl_data['object_type'] = "Dipole" dpl_data['times'] = self.times dpl_data['sfreq'] = self.sfreq dpl_data['nave'] = self.nave dpl_data['data'] = dpl_data['scale_applied'] = self.scale_applied write_hdf5(fname, dpl_data, overwrite=True)
[docs] def write(self, fname, overwrite=True): """Write dipole values to a txt or hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- fname : str | Path object Full path to the output file (.txt or .hdf5) Outputs ------- A tab separatd txt file where rows correspond to samples and columns correspond to 1) time (ms), 2) aggregate current dipole (scaled nAm), 3) L2/3 current dipole (scaled nAm), and 4) L5 current dipole (scaled nAm) OR A hdf5 file containing the dipole object """ # For supporting tests in if isinstance(fname, StringIO): return self._write_txt(fname) fname = str(fname) if overwrite is False and os.path.exists(fname): raise FileExistsError('File already exists at path %s. Rename ' 'the file or set overwrite=True.' % (fname,)) file_extension = os.path.splitext(fname)[-1] if file_extension == '.txt': self._write_txt(fname) elif file_extension == '.hdf5': self._write_hdf5(fname) else: raise NameError('File extension should be either txt or hdf5, but ' 'the given extension is %s.' % (file_extension,))