Source code for hnn_core.cell_response

"""CellResponse class."""

# Authors: Nick Tolley <>
#          Ryan Thorpe <>
#          Mainak Jas <>

from glob import glob
import numpy as np

from .viz import plot_spikes_hist, plot_spikes_raster

[docs]class CellResponse(object): """The CellResponse class. Parameters ---------- spike_times : list (n_trials,) of list (n_spikes,) of float, shape | None Each element of the outer list is a trial. The inner list contains the time stamps of spikes. spike_gids : list (n_trials,) of list (n_spikes,) of float, shape | None Each element of the outer list is a trial. The inner list contains the cell IDs of neurons that spiked. spike_types : list (n_trials,) of list (n_spikes,) of float, shape | None Each element of the outer list is a trial. The inner list contains the type of spike (e.g., evprox1 or L2_pyramidal) that occured at the corresonding time stamp. Each gid corresponds to a type via Network().gid_ranges. times : numpy array | None Array of time points for samples in continuous data. This includes vsoma and isoma. cell_type_names : list List of unique cell type names that are explicitly modeled in the network Attributes ---------- spike_times : list (n_trials,) of list (n_spikes,) of float, shape Each element of the outer list is a trial. The inner list contains the time stamps of spikes. spike_gids : list (n_trials,) of list (n_spikes,) of float, shape Each element of the outer list is a trial. The inner list contains the cell IDs of neurons that spiked. spike_types : list (n_trials,) of list (n_spikes,) of float, shape Each element of the outer list is a trial. The inner list contains the type of spike (e.g., evprox1 or L2_pyramidal) that occured at the corresonding time stamp. Each gid corresponds to a type via Network::gid_ranges. vsec : list (n_trials,) of dict, shape Each element of the outer list is a trial. Dictionary indexed by gids containing voltages for cell sections. isec : list (n_trials,) of dict, shape Each element of the outer list is a trial. Dictionary indexed by gids containing currents for cell sections. times : array-like, shape (n_times,) Array of time points for samples in continuous data. This includes vsoma and isoma. Methods ------- reset() Reset all recorded attributes to empty lists. update_types(gid_ranges) Update spike types in the current instance of CellResponse. plot(ax=None, show=True) Plot and return a matplotlib Figure object showing the aggregate network spiking activity according to cell type. mean_rates(tstart, tstop, gid_ranges, mean_type='all') Calculate mean firing rate for each cell type. Specify averaging method with mean_type argument. write(fname) Write spiking activity to a collection of spike trial files. """ def __init__(self, spike_times=None, spike_gids=None, spike_types=None, times=None, cell_type_names=None): if spike_times is None: spike_times = list() if spike_gids is None: spike_gids = list() if spike_types is None: spike_types = list() if cell_type_names is None: cell_type_names = ['L2_basket', 'L2_pyramidal', 'L5_basket', 'L5_pyramidal'] # Validate arguments arg_names = ['spike_times', 'spike_gids', 'spike_types'] for arg_idx, arg in enumerate([spike_times, spike_gids, spike_types]): # Validate outer list if not isinstance(arg, list): raise TypeError('%s should be a list of lists' % (arg_names[arg_idx],)) # If arg is not an empty list, validate inner list for trial_list in arg: if not isinstance(trial_list, list): raise TypeError('%s should be a list of lists' % (arg_names[arg_idx],)) # Set the length of 'spike_times' as a references and validate # uniform length if arg == spike_times: n_trials = len(spike_times) if len(arg) != n_trials: raise ValueError('spike times, gids, and types should be ' 'lists of the same length') self._spike_times = spike_times self._spike_gids = spike_gids self._spike_types = spike_types self._vsec = list() self._isec = list() if times is not None: if not isinstance(times, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("'times' is an np.ndarray of simulation times") self._times = np.array(times) self._cell_type_names = cell_type_names
[docs] def __repr__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ n_trials = len(self._spike_times) return '<%s | %d simulation trials>' % (class_name, n_trials)
def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, CellResponse): return NotImplemented # Round each time element times_self = [[round(time, 3) for time in trial] for trial in self._spike_times] times_other = [[round(time, 3) for time in trial] for trial in other._spike_times] return (times_self == times_other and self._spike_gids == other._spike_gids and self._spike_types == other._spike_types)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, gid_item): """Returns a CellResponse object with a copied subset filtered by gid. Parameters ---------- gid_item : int | slice Subset of gids . Returns ------- cell_response : instance of CellResponse See below for use cases. """ if isinstance(gid_item, slice): gid_item = np.arange(gid_item.stop)[gid_item] elif isinstance(gid_item, list): gid_item = np.array(gid_item) elif isinstance(gid_item, np.ndarray): if gid_item.ndim > 1: raise ValueError("ndarray cannot exceed 1 dimension") else: pass elif isinstance(gid_item, int): gid_item = np.array([gid_item]) else: raise TypeError("indices must be int, slice, or array-like, " f"not {type(gid_item).__name__}") if not np.issubdtype(gid_item.dtype, np.integer): raise TypeError("gids must be of dtype int, " f"not {}") n_trials = len(self._spike_times) times_slice = list() gids_slice = list() types_slice = list() vsoma_slice = list() isoma_slice = list() for trial_idx in range(n_trials): gid_mask = np.in1d(self._spike_gids[trial_idx], gid_item) times_trial = np.array( self._spike_times[trial_idx])[gid_mask].tolist() gids_trial = np.array( self._spike_gids[trial_idx])[gid_mask].tolist() types_trial = np.array( self._spike_types[trial_idx])[gid_mask].tolist() vsoma_trial = {gid: self._vsoma[trial_idx][gid] for gid in gid_item if gid in self._vsoma[trial_idx].keys()} isoma_trial = {gid: self._isoma[trial_idx][gid] for gid in gid_item if gid in self._isoma[trial_idx].keys()} times_slice.append(times_trial) gids_slice.append(gids_trial) types_slice.append(types_trial) vsoma_slice.append(vsoma_trial) isoma_slice.append(isoma_trial) cell_response_slice = CellResponse(spike_times=times_slice, spike_gids=gids_slice, spike_types=types_slice) cell_response_slice._vsoma = vsoma_slice cell_response_slice._isoma = isoma_slice return cell_response_slice
@property def spike_times(self): return self._spike_times @property def spike_gids(self): return self._spike_gids @property def spike_types(self): return self._spike_types @property def vsec(self): return self._vsec @property def isec(self): return self._isec @property def times(self): return self._times
[docs] def update_types(self, gid_ranges): """Update spike types in the current instance of CellResponse. Parameters ---------- gid_ranges : dict of lists or range objects Dictionary with keys 'evprox1', 'evdist1' etc. containing the range of Cell or input IDs of different cell or input types. """ # Validate gid_ranges all_gid_ranges = list(gid_ranges.values()) for item_idx_1 in range(len(all_gid_ranges)): for item_idx_2 in range(item_idx_1 + 1, len(all_gid_ranges)): gid_set_1 = set(all_gid_ranges[item_idx_1]) gid_set_2 = set(all_gid_ranges[item_idx_2]) if not gid_set_1.isdisjoint(gid_set_2): raise ValueError('gid_ranges should contain only disjoint ' 'sets of gid values') spike_types = list() for trial_idx in range(len(self._spike_times)): spike_types_trial = np.empty_like(self._spike_times[trial_idx], dtype='<U36') for gidtype, gids in gid_ranges.items(): spike_gids_mask = np.in1d(self._spike_gids[trial_idx], gids) spike_types_trial[spike_gids_mask] = gidtype spike_types += [list(spike_types_trial)] self._spike_types = spike_types
[docs] def mean_rates(self, tstart, tstop, gid_ranges, mean_type='all'): """Mean spike rates (Hz) by cell type. Parameters ---------- tstart : int | float | None Value defining the start time of all trials. tstop : int | float | None Value defining the stop time of all trials. gid_ranges : dict of lists or range objects Dictionary with keys 'evprox1', 'evdist1' etc. containing the range of Cell or input IDs of different cell or input types. mean_type : str 'all' : Average over trials and cells Returns mean rate for cell types 'trial' : Average over cell types Returns trial mean rate for cell types 'cell' : Average over individual cells Returns trial mean rate for individual cells Returns ------- spike_rate : dict Dictionary with keys 'L5_pyramidal', 'L5_basket', etc. """ spike_rates = dict() if mean_type not in ['all', 'trial', 'cell']: raise ValueError("Invalid mean_type. Valid arguments include " f"'all', 'trial', or 'cell'. Got {mean_type}") # Validate tstart, tstop if not isinstance(tstart, (int, float)) or not isinstance( tstop, (int, float)): raise ValueError('tstart and tstop must be of type int or float') elif tstop <= tstart: raise ValueError('tstop must be greater than tstart') for cell_type in self._cell_type_names: cell_type_gids = np.array(gid_ranges[cell_type]) n_trials, n_cells = len(self._spike_times), len(cell_type_gids) gid_spike_rate = np.zeros((n_trials, n_cells)) trial_data = zip(self._spike_types, self._spike_gids) for trial_idx, (spike_types, spike_gids) in enumerate(trial_data): trial_type_mask = np.in1d(spike_types, cell_type) gids, gid_counts = np.unique(np.array( spike_gids)[trial_type_mask], return_counts=True) gid_spike_rate[trial_idx, np.in1d(cell_type_gids, gids)] = ( gid_counts / (tstop - tstart)) * 1000 if mean_type == 'all': spike_rates[cell_type] = np.mean( gid_spike_rate.mean(axis=1)) if mean_type == 'trial': spike_rates[cell_type] = np.mean( gid_spike_rate, axis=1).tolist() if mean_type == 'cell': spike_rates[cell_type] = [gid_trial_rate.tolist() for gid_trial_rate in gid_spike_rate] return spike_rates
[docs] def plot_spikes_raster(self, trial_idx=None, ax=None, show=True): """Plot the aggregate spiking activity according to cell type. Parameters ---------- trial_idx : int | list of int | None Index of trials to be plotted. If None, all trials plotted. ax : instance of matplotlib axis | None An axis object from matplotlib. If None, a new figure is created. show : bool If True, show the figure. Returns ------- fig : instance of matplotlib Figure The matplotlib figure object. """ return plot_spikes_raster( cell_response=self, trial_idx=trial_idx, ax=ax, show=show)
[docs] def plot_spikes_hist(self, trial_idx=None, ax=None, spike_types=None, show=True): """Plot the histogram of spiking activity across trials. Parameters ---------- trial_idx : int | list of int | None Index of trials to be plotted. If None, all trials plotted. ax : instance of matplotlib axis | None An axis object from matplotlib. If None, a new figure is created. spike_types: string | list | dictionary | None String input of a valid spike type is plotted individually. | Ex: ``'poisson'``, ``'evdist'``, ``'evprox'``, ... List of valid string inputs will plot each spike type individually. | Ex: ``['poisson', 'evdist']`` Dictionary of valid lists will plot list elements as a group. | Ex: ``{'Evoked': ['evdist', 'evprox'], 'Tonic': ['poisson']}`` If None, all input spike types are plotted individually if any are present. Otherwise spikes from all cells are plotted. Valid strings also include leading characters of spike types | Ex: ``'ev'`` is equivalent to ``['evdist', 'evprox']`` show : bool If True, show the figure. Returns ------- fig : instance of matplotlib Figure The matplotlib figure handle. """ return plot_spikes_hist(self, trial_idx=trial_idx, ax=ax, spike_types=spike_types, show=show)
[docs] def write(self, fname): """Write spiking activity per trial to a collection of files. Parameters ---------- fname : str String format (e.g., 'spk_%d.txt' or 'spk_{0}.txt') of the path to the output spike file(s). If no string format is provided, the trial index will be automatically appended to the file name. Outputs ------- A tab separated txt file for each trial where rows correspond to spikes, and columns correspond to 1) spike time (s), 2) spike gid, and 3) gid type """ fname = str(fname) old_style = True try: fname % 0 except TypeError: fname.format(0) old_style = False except TypeError: fname.replace('.txt', '_%d.txt') for trial_idx in range(len(self._spike_times)): if old_style: this_fname = fname % (trial_idx,) else: this_fname = fname.format(trial_idx) print(f'Writing file {this_fname}') with open(this_fname, 'w') as f: for spike_idx in range(len(self._spike_times[trial_idx])): f.write('{:.3f}\t{}\t{}\n'.format( self._spike_times[trial_idx][spike_idx], int(self._spike_gids[trial_idx][spike_idx]), self._spike_types[trial_idx][spike_idx]))
[docs]def read_spikes(fname, gid_ranges=None): """Read spiking activity from a collection of spike trial files. Parameters ---------- fname : str Wildcard expression (e.g., '<pathname>/spk_*.txt') of the path to the spike file(s). gid_ranges : dict of lists or range objects | None Dictionary with keys 'evprox1', 'evdist1' etc. containing the range of Cell or input IDs of different cell or input types. If None, each spike file must contain a 3rd column for spike type. Returns ---------- cell_response : CellResponse An instance of the CellResponse object. """ spike_times = list() spike_gids = list() spike_types = list() for file in sorted(glob(str(fname))): spike_trial = np.loadtxt(file, dtype=str) if spike_trial.shape[0] > 0: spike_times += [list(spike_trial[:, 0].astype(float))] spike_gids += [list(spike_trial[:, 1].astype(int))] # Note that legacy HNN 'spk.txt' files don't contain a 3rd column # for spike type. If reading a legacy version, ensure that a # gid_dict is provided. if spike_trial.shape[1] == 3: spike_types += [list(spike_trial[:, 2].astype(str))] else: if gid_ranges is None: raise ValueError("gid_ranges must be provided if spike " "types are unspecified in the " "file %s" % (file,)) spike_types += [list()] else: spike_times += [list()] spike_gids += [list()] spike_types += [list()] cell_response = CellResponse(spike_times=spike_times, spike_gids=spike_gids, spike_types=spike_types) if gid_ranges is not None: cell_response.update_types(gid_ranges) return cell_response