"""Establish class def for general cell features."""
# Authors: Mainak Jas <mjas@mgh.harvard.edu>
# Sam Neymotin <samnemo@gmail.com>
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from neuron import h, nrn
from .viz import plot_cell_morphology
# Units for e: mV
# Units for gbar: S/cm^2
def _get_cos_theta(sections, sec_name_apical):
"""Get cos(theta) to compute dipole along the apical dendrite."""
a = (np.array(sections[sec_name_apical].end_pts[1]) -
cos_thetas = dict()
for sec_name, section in sections.items():
b = np.array(section.end_pts[1]) - np.array(section.end_pts[0])
cos_thetas[sec_name] = np.dot(a, b) / (norm(a) * norm(b))
return cos_thetas
def _calculate_gaussian(x_val, height, lamtha):
"""Return height of gaussian at x_val.
x_val : float
Value on x-axis to query height of gaussian curve.
height : float
Height of the gaussian curve at zero.
lamtha : float
Space constant.
x_height : float
Height of gaussian at x_val.
Gaussian curve is centered at zero and has a fixed peak height
such the _calculate_gaussian(0, lamtha) returns 1 for all lamtha.
x_height = height * np.exp(-(x_val**2) / (lamtha**2))
return x_height
def _get_gaussian_connection(src_pos, target_pos, nc_dict,
"""Calculate distance dependent connection properties.
src_pos : float
Position of source cell.
target_pos : float
Position of target cell.
nc_dict : dict
Dictionary with keys: pos_src, A_weight, A_delay, lamtha
Defines the connection parameters
inplane_distance : float
The in plane-distance (in um) between pyramidal cell somas in the
square grid. Default: 1.0 um.
weight : float
Weight of the synaptic connection.
delay : float
Delay of synaptic connection.
Distance in xy plane is used for gaussian decay.
x_dist = target_pos[0] - src_pos[0]
y_dist = target_pos[1] - src_pos[1]
cell_dist = np.sqrt(x_dist**2 + y_dist**2)
scaled_lamtha = nc_dict['lamtha'] * inplane_distance
weight = _calculate_gaussian(
cell_dist, nc_dict['A_weight'], scaled_lamtha)
delay = nc_dict['A_delay'] / _calculate_gaussian(
cell_dist, 1, scaled_lamtha)
return weight, delay
class _ArtificialCell:
"""The ArtificialCell class for initializing a NEURON feed source.
event_times : list
Spike times associated with a single feed source (i.e.,
associated with a unique gid).
threshold : float
Membrane potential threshold that demarks a spike.
gid : int or None (optional)
Each cell in a network is uniquely identified by it's "global ID": GID.
The GID is an integer from 0 to n_cells, or None if the cell is not
yet attached to a network. Once the GID is set, it cannot be changed.
nrn_eventvec : instance of h.Vector()
NEURON h.Vector() object of event times.
nrn_vecstim : instance of h.VecStim()
NEURON h.VecStim() object of spike sources created
from nrn_eventvec.
nrn_netcon : instance of h.NetCon()
NEURON h.NetCon() object that creates the spike
source-to-target references for nrn_vecstim.
gid : int
GID of the cell in a network (or None if not yet assigned)
def __init__(self, event_times, threshold, gid=None):
# Convert event times into nrn vector
self.nrn_eventvec = h.Vector()
# load eventvec into VecStim object
self.nrn_vecstim = h.VecStim()
# create the cell and artificial NetCon
self.nrn_netcon = h.NetCon(self.nrn_vecstim, None)
self.nrn_netcon.threshold = threshold
self._gid = None
if gid is not None:
self.gid = gid # use setter method to check input argument gid
def gid(self):
return self._gid
def gid(self, gid):
if not isinstance(gid, int):
raise ValueError('gid must be an integer')
if self._gid is None:
self._gid = gid
raise RuntimeError('Global ID for this cell already assigned!')
class Section:
"""Section class.
L : float
length of a section in microns
diam : float
diameter of a section in microns
cm : float
membrane capacitance in micro-Farads
Ra : float
axial resistivity in ohm-cm
end_pts : list of [x, y, z]
The start and stop points of the section.
mechs : dict
Mechanisms to insert in this section. The keys
are the names of the mechanisms and values
are the properties. For e.g., {'ca': {'gbar_ca': 60}}
syns : list of str
The synaptic mechanisms to add in this section
end_pts : list of [x, y, z]
The start and stop points of the section. Cannot be changed.
L : float
length of a section in microns. Cannot be changed.
diam : float
diameter of a section in microns. Cannot be changed.
cm : float
membrane capacitance in micro-Farads
Ra : float
axial resistivity in ohm-cm
def __init__(self, L, diam, Ra, cm, end_pts=None):
self._L = L
self._diam = diam
self.Ra = Ra
self.cm = cm
if end_pts is None:
end_pts = list()
self._end_pts = end_pts
self.mechs = dict()
self.syns = list()
def __repr__(self):
return f'L={self.L}, diam={self.diam}, cm={self.cm}, Ra={self.Ra}'
def L(self):
return self._L
def diam(self):
return self._diam
def end_pts(self):
return self._end_pts
[docs]class Cell:
"""Create a cell object.
name : str
The name of the cell.
pos : tuple
The (x, y, z) coordinates.
sections : dict of Section
Dictionary with keys as section name.
synapses : dict of dict
Keys are name of synaptic mechanism. Each synaptic mechanism
has keys for parameters of the mechanism, e.g., 'e', 'tau1',
topology : list of list
The topology of cell sections. Each element is a list of
4 items in the format
[parent_sec, parent_loc, child_sec, child_loc] where
parent_sec and parent_loc are float between 0 and 1
specifying the location in the section to connect and
parent_sec and child_sec are names of the connecting
sect_loc : dict of list
Can have keys 'proximal' or 'distal' each containing
names of section locations that are proximal or distal.
gid : int or None (optional)
Each cell in a network is uniquely identified by it's "global ID": GID.
The GID is an integer from 0 to n_cells, or None if the cell is not
yet attached to a network. Once the GID is set, it cannot be changed.
pos : list of length 3
The position of the cell.
sections : nested dict
The section parameters. The key is the name of the section
and the value is a dictionary parametrizing the morphology
of the section and the mechanisms inserted.
synapses : dict
The synapses that the cell can use for connections.
dipole_pp : list of h.Dipole()
The Dipole objects (see dipole.mod).
rec_v : h.Vector()
Recording of somatic voltage. Must be enabled
by running simulate_dipole(net, record_vsoma=True)
rec_i : dict
Contains recording of somatic currents indexed
by synapse type. (keys are soma_gabaa, soma_gabab etc.)
Must be enabled by running simulate_dipole(net, record_isoma=True)
tonic_biases : list of h.IClamp
The current clamps inserted at each section of the cell
for tonic biasing inputs.
gid : int
GID of the cell in a network (or None if not yet assigned)
sect_loc : dict of list
Can have keys 'proximal' or 'distal' each containing
names of section locations that are proximal or distal.
>>> section_soma = Section(
end_pts=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 39., 0]]
def __init__(self, name, pos, sections, synapses, topology, sect_loc,
self.name = name
self.pos = pos
for section in sections.values():
if not isinstance(section, Section):
raise ValueError(f'Items in section must be instances'
f' of Section. Got {type(section)}')
self.sections = sections
self.synapses = synapses
self.topology = topology
self.sect_loc = sect_loc
self._nrn_sections = dict()
self._nrn_synapses = dict()
self.dipole_pp = list()
self.rec_v = h.Vector()
self.rec_i = dict()
# insert iclamp
self.list_IClamp = list()
self._gid = None
self.tonic_biases = list()
if gid is not None:
self.gid = gid # use setter method to check input argument gid
[docs] def __repr__(self):
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
return f'<{class_name} | gid={self._gid}>'
def gid(self):
return self._gid
def gid(self, gid):
if not isinstance(gid, int):
raise ValueError('gid must be an integer')
if self._gid is None:
self._gid = gid
raise RuntimeError('Global ID for this cell already assigned!')
def _set_biophysics(self, sections):
"Set the biophysics for the cell."
# neuron syntax is used to set values for mechanisms
# sec.gbar_mech = x sets value of gbar for mech to x for all segs
# in a section. This method is significantly faster than using
# a for loop to iterate over all segments to set mech values
# If value depends on distance from the soma. Soma is set as
# origin by passing cell.soma as a sec argument to h.distance()
# Then iterate over segment nodes of dendritic sections
# and set attribute depending on h.distance(seg.x), which returns
# distance from the soma to this point on the CURRENTLY ACCESSED
for sec_name, section in sections.items():
sec = self._nrn_sections[sec_name]
for mech_name, p_mech in section.mechs.items():
for attr, val in p_mech.items():
if hasattr(val, '__call__'):
for seg in sec:
setattr(seg, attr, val(h.distance(seg.x)))
setattr(sec, attr, val)
def _create_synapses(self, sections, synapses):
"""Create synapses."""
for sec_name in sections:
for receptor in sections[sec_name].syns:
syn_key = f'{sec_name}_{receptor}'
seg = self._nrn_sections[sec_name](0.5)
self._nrn_synapses[syn_key] = self.syn_create(
seg, **synapses[receptor])
def _create_sections(self, sections, topology):
"""Create soma and set geometry.
By default neuron uses xy plane
for height and xz plane for depth. This is opposite for model as a
whole, but convention is followed in this function ease use of gui.
# shift cell to self.pos and reorient apical dendrite
# along z direction of self.pos
dx = self.pos[0] - self.sections['soma'].end_pts[0][0]
dy = self.pos[1] - self.sections['soma'].end_pts[0][1]
dz = self.pos[2] - self.sections['soma'].end_pts[0][2]
for sec_name in sections:
sec = h.Section(name=f'{self.name}_{sec_name}')
self._nrn_sections[sec_name] = sec
h.pt3dconst(0, sec=sec) # be explicit, see documentation
for pt in sections[sec_name].end_pts:
h.pt3dadd(pt[0] + dx,
pt[1] + dy,
pt[2] + dz, 1, sec=sec)
# with pt3dconst==0, these will alter the 3d points defined above!
sec.L = sections[sec_name].L
sec.diam = sections[sec_name].diam
sec.Ra = sections[sec_name].Ra
sec.cm = sections[sec_name].cm
if sec.L > 100.: # 100 um
sec.nseg = int(sec.L / 50.)
# make dend.nseg odd for all sections
if not sec.nseg % 2:
sec.nseg += 1
if topology is None:
topology = list()
# Connects sections of THIS cell together.
for connection in topology:
parent_sec = self._nrn_sections[connection[0]]
child_sec = self._nrn_sections[connection[2]]
parent_loc = connection[1]
child_loc = connection[3]
child_sec.connect(parent_sec, parent_loc, child_loc)
# be explicit about letting sec.L dominate over the 3d points used by
# h.pt3dadd(); see
# https://nrn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/python/modelspec/programmatic/topology/geometry.html?highlight=pt3dadd#pt3dadd # noqa
[docs] def build(self, sec_name_apical=None):
"""Build cell in Neuron and insert dipole if applicable.
sec_name_apical : str | None
If not None, a dipole will be inserted in this cell in alignment
with this section. The section should belong to the apical dendrite
of a pyramidal neuron.
if 'soma' not in self.sections:
raise KeyError('soma must be defined for cell')
self._create_sections(self.sections, self.topology)
self._create_synapses(self.sections, self.synapses)
if sec_name_apical in self._nrn_sections:
elif sec_name_apical is not None:
raise ValueError(f'sec_name_apical must be an existing '
f'section of the current cell or None. '
f'Got {sec_name_apical}.')
[docs] def copy(self):
"""Return copy of instance."""
return deepcopy(self)
# two things need to happen here for h:
# 1. dipole needs to be inserted into each section
# 2. a list needs to be created with a Dipole (Point Process) in each
# section at position 1
# In Cell() and not Pyr() for future possibilities
def _insert_dipole(self, sec_name_apical):
"""Insert dipole into each section of this cell.
sec_name_apical : str
The name of the section along which dipole moment is calculated.
self.dpl_vec = h.Vector(1)
self.dpl_ref = self.dpl_vec._ref_x[0]
cos_thetas = _get_cos_theta(self.sections, 'apical_trunk')
# setting pointers and ztan values
for sect_name in self.sections:
sect = self._nrn_sections[sect_name]
dpp = h.Dipole(1, sec=sect) # defined in dipole_pp.mod
dpp.ri = h.ri(1, sec=sect) # assign internal resistance
# sets pointers in dipole mod file to the correct locations
dpp._ref_pv = sect(0.99)._ref_v
dpp._ref_Qtotal = self.dpl_ref
# gives INTERNAL segments of the section, non-endpoints
# creating this because need multiple values simultaneously
pos_all = np.array([seg.x for seg in sect.allseg()])
seg_lens = np.diff(pos_all) * sect.L
seg_lens_z = seg_lens * cos_thetas[sect_name]
# alternative procedure below with y_long(itudinal)
# y_long = (h.y3d(1, sec=sect) - h.y3d(0, sec=sect)) * pos
# y_diff = np.diff(y_long)
# doing range to index multiple values of the same
# np.array simultaneously
for idx, pos in enumerate(pos_all[1:-1]):
# assign the ri value to the dipole
# ri not defined at 0 and L
sect(pos).dipole.ri = h.ri(pos, sec=sect)
# range variable 'dipole'
# set pointers to previous segment's voltage, with
# boundary condition
sect(pos).dipole._ref_pv = sect(pos_all[idx])._ref_v
# set aggregate pointers
sect(pos).dipole._ref_Qsum = dpp._ref_Qsum
sect(pos).dipole._ref_Qtotal = self.dpl_ref
# add ztan values
sect(pos).dipole.ztan = seg_lens_z[idx]
# set the pp dipole's ztan value to the last value from seg_lens_z
dpp.ztan = seg_lens_z[-1]
self.dipole = h.Vector().record(self.dpl_ref)
[docs] def create_tonic_bias(self, amplitude, t0, tstop, loc=0.5):
"""Create tonic bias at the soma.
amplitude : float
The amplitude of the input.
t0 : float
The start time of tonic input (in ms).
tstop : float
The end time of tonic input (in ms).
loc : float (0 to 1)
The location of the input in the soma section.
stim = h.IClamp(self._nrn_sections['soma'](loc))
stim.delay = t0
stim.dur = tstop - t0
stim.amp = amplitude
[docs] def record_soma(self, record_vsoma=False, record_isoma=False):
"""Record current and voltage at soma.
record_vsoma : bool
Option to record somatic voltages from cells
record_isoma : bool
Option to record somatic currents from cells
# a soma exists at self._nrn_sections['soma']
if record_isoma:
# assumes that self._nrn_synapses is a dict that exists
list_syn_soma = [key for key in self._nrn_synapses.keys()
if key.startswith('soma_')]
# matching dict from the list_syn_soma keys
self.rec_i = dict.fromkeys(list_syn_soma)
# iterate through keys and record currents appropriately
for key in self.rec_i:
self.rec_i[key] = h.Vector()
if record_vsoma:
[docs] def syn_create(self, secloc, e, tau1, tau2):
"""Create an h.Exp2Syn synapse.
secloc : instance of nrn.Segment
The section location. E.g., soma(0.5).
e: float
Reverse potential (in mV)
tau1: float
Rise time (in ms)
tau2: float
Decay time (in ms)
syn : instance of h.Exp2Syn
A two state kinetic scheme synapse.
if not isinstance(secloc, nrn.Segment):
raise TypeError(f'secloc must be instance of'
f'nrn.Segment. Got {type(secloc)}')
syn = h.Exp2Syn(secloc)
syn.e = e
syn.tau1 = tau1
syn.tau2 = tau2
return syn
[docs] def setup_source_netcon(self, threshold):
"""Created for _PC.cell and specifies SOURCES of spikes.
threshold : float
The voltage threshold for action potential.
nc = h.NetCon(self._nrn_sections['soma'](0.5)._ref_v, None,
nc.threshold = threshold
return nc
[docs] def parconnect_from_src(self, gid_presyn, nc_dict, postsyn,
"""Parallel receptor-centric connect FROM presyn TO this cell,
based on GID.
gid_presyn : int
The cell ID of the presynaptic neuron
nc_dict : dict
Dictionary with keys: pos_src, A_weight, A_delay, lamtha
Defines the connection parameters
postsyn : instance of h.Exp2Syn
The postsynaptic cell object.
inplane_distance : float
The in plane-distance (in um) between pyramidal cell somas in the
square grid.
nc : instance of h.NetCon
A network connection object.
from .network_builder import _PC
nc = _PC.gid_connect(gid_presyn, postsyn)
# set props here.
nc.threshold = nc_dict['threshold']
nc.weight[0], nc.delay = _get_gaussian_connection(
nc_dict['pos_src'], self.pos, nc_dict,
return nc
[docs] def plot_morphology(self, ax=None, cell_types=None, show=True):
"""Plot the cell morphology.
ax : instance of Axes3D
Matplotlib 3D axis
show : bool
If True, show the plot
axes : instance of Axes3D
The matplotlib 3D axis handle.
return plot_cell_morphology(self, ax=ax, show=show)