(governance)= # Project Governance The purpose of this document is to formalize the governance process used by the Human Neocortical Neurosolver (HNN) project and to clarify how decisions are made and how the various elements of our community interact. ## Mission HNN is an open source software project. The goal of HNN is to develop a hypothesis testing tool for researchers, with the software built upon a biophysically-principled neocortical circuit model with appropriate physics that allow bridging from macroscale human magneto- and electro-encephalography (M/EEG) signals to their cellular and circuit level generators. The foundations of the project governance are: - Openness and transparency - Active contribution - Institutional neutrality The HNN project aims to support a collaborative community of developers, where any individual may contribute to the project and have their contributions acknowledged and reflected in the project's GitHub repository. HNN is developed by researchers with diverse skill sets: scientific, software, MEG, neuro etc. The governance model is made keeping in mind that contributions from these diverse sub-communities will be necessary to advance HNN. We invite anyone with an interest in the project to join the community, contribute to the project design, and participate in the decision making process. In line with this philosophy, we provide a pathway for project Contributors\* to become project Maintainers\*\*, allowing for a deeper level of engagement with the development and decision making processes of the project. We want to encourage a diverse array of backgrounds, viewpoints, and talents in our team. Towards this end, contributions are not limited to changes to the codebase, but can involve updates to the documentation, proposals of biologically relevant features, and participation in online discussions, among other activities that advance the mission of the project. ## Roles and Responsibilities We distinguish between Contributors, Maintainers, and the Steering Council as outlined in the following sections. ### Contributors* Contributors are community members who contribute in concrete ways to the project. Anyone can become a contributor, and contributions can take many forms, as detailed in HNN's Contributions page in the HNN-core documentation. Contributors participate in the project by submitting, reviewing, and discussing GitHub Pull Requests and Issues and by participating in open discussions on GitHub and via other channels including but not limited to the weekly project meetings, email, and hackathon events. Contributors work on behalf of and are responsible to the larger HNN Community, and we strive to keep the barrier between Contributors and Users as low as possible. ### Maintainers** Maintainers are community members who have shown that they are dedicated to the continued development of the project through ongoing engagement with the community. Being a Maintainer allows contributors to more easily contribute to the project by giving them "commit rights" to the project repositories. Maintainers are expected to review code contributions, merge approved pull requests, and to be involved in deciding major changes to the API. Maintainers are invited to join weekly Develop Council meetings hosted virtually. Maintainers are determined by the Steering Council based on their level of engagement and their contributions to the project. Contributors who have produced contributions that are substantial in quality and quantity may be eligible for Maintainer status. Maintainers will be elected by consensus among members of the Steering Council. Under extenuating circumstances, Maintainer status may be revoked by the Steering Council by consensus. Maintainer status is dependent on continued engagement with the project. If a Maintainer becomes inactive for a period greater than 1 year, "commit rights" to the project's repository will be revoked. Maintainer status can be reinstated for any Contributor if they resume engagement with the project and produce substantial contributions. ### Developer Council The Developer Council is composed of individuals who take on additional responsibilities to ensure the smooth operation of the project. Membership in the Developer Council is by nomination from a current Developer Council member. The Developer Council will include at least 2 maintainers at all times. A nomination will result in discussion and then a vote by the Developer Council members. Developer Council membership votes are subject to a two-third majority. The Developer Council and its members are expected to participate in strategic planning to guide the overall direction of the project. While the Developer Council is the final authority for guiding the code review process and merging pull requests, not all Develop Council members need to contribute code to the project on a regular basis. Members may be nominated to the Developer Council based on the quality and quantity of their contributions to any and all aspects of the project, including their expertise and efforts in advancing the project mission as outlined above. Responsibilities of the Developer Council include: - Attend virtual meetings on a regular basis or as deemed appropriate - Make decisions about the overall scope, vision, and direction of the project. - Make decisions about strategic collaborations with other organizations or individuals. - Make decisions about specific technical issues, features, bugs, and pull requests when appropriate - Make decisions about the services that are run by the project and manage those services for the benefit of the community - Update policy documents, such the Project Governance If a member becomes inactive in the project for a period of one year, they will be considered for removal from the Developer Council. Before removal, the inactive member will be approached to inquire if they plan to return to active participation. If not, they will be removed upon a Developer Council vote. If the inactive member plans on returning to active participation, they can be granted a grace period as determined by the Developer Council. All former Developer Council Members can be considered for membership again at any time in the future. Retired Developer Council Members will be listed on the project website. ## Decision-Making Process Decisions related to the project are made through consensus among the Maintainers and the Developer Council, with input from the community and Contributors. Final authority over key decisions related to the overall scope, vision, and direction of the project lies solely with the Developer Council. For contributions to the project repositories, HNN uses a "consensus-seeking" process for making decisions. Any contributions must follow the processes outlined in the Contributions page of the HNN-core documentation. As outlined in Roles and Responsibilities, the merging of GitHub Pull Requests is under the purview of Maintainers. For minor changes (i.e., typo fixes or the addition / correction of sentences in the Documentation), a single Maintainer may approve a Pull Request if they're confident others would agree. For any changes that are not minor (i.e., code changes, major Documentation changes), approval from at least two Maintainers is needed before a Pull Request is merged. Contributors work with the maintainers to resolve comments on a Pull Request. A pull request can be merged when there are no remaining objections among the Maintainers. In cases where a resolution cannot be easily reached, the pull request is tabled for further discussion at the Strategic Planning meeting and a determination is made by consensus amongst the Council members and maintainers. Virtual "Strategic Planning Meetings" are held weekly between the Steering Council and the Maintainers to facilitate discussion and to provide guidance on specific decisions related to the project. Any Pull Requests that do not reach consensus on GitHub are to be raised at the Strategic Planning meetings so that the Developer Council members can arrive at a consensus on the direction that should be taken. Strategic Planning Meetings also provide an opportunity for Maintainers and Developer Council members to share updates, discuss future directions, and address logistic matters related to the project. Decisions on any and all matters raised at the Strategic Planning Meetings follow the consensus-seeking approach outlined above. ## Governance Model Changes The Project Governance document will be reviewed at least once yearly by the Developer Council. Changes will be made to the document by majority vote of the Developer Council. The document may also be revisited and updated at any time between yearly reviews as deemed necessary by the Developer Council. Contributors and Maintainers may recommend changes to the document by opening a Draft Pull Request at any time. Any suggested changes will be reviewed and voted upon by the Council.